Tree species adapted to the climatic conditions of the northern boreal and subarctic vegetation zones have a capacity to develop a very high level of frost hardiness, even to survive the temperature of liquid nitrogen in midwinter. Proper timing of hardening, as well as of dehardening, is crucial for winter survival of these species. In northern tree species, cessation of apical elongation growth and bud set is a prerequisite for developmental and metabolic processes leading to hardening, and this chain of events is induced by photoperiod. The northern tree species are closely adapted to the local light climate and display photoperiodic ecotypes. The critical photoperiod is under genetic control and increases with increasing latitude of origin of the eco-type. The photoperiod is probably perceived by the phytochrome system, but the role of other pigment systems, like cryptochrome, has not been studied in woody plants. Phytochrome genes have been cloned from both conifers and deciduous species, but so far we do not have any information about possible differences between photoperiodic ecotypes at the phytochrome level. Northern and southern ecotypes have different responses to red:far red ratios, which could indicate differences in composition of their phytochrome systems, for example, the proportions of phytochrome A and B. Both phytochrome A and phytochrome B can be involved in photoperiodic responses. Experiments with transgenic hybrid aspen suggest that responses to photoperiod could be affected by the amount of phytochrome A present in plants. In deciduous species, the plant hormone gibberellin A1 (GA1) can completely substitute for a long photoperiod, and short day induced cessation of growth is preceded by a significant reduction of GA1 levels, particularly in the elongation zone. Photoperiodic control of GA metabolism is supported by several studies, but very little is known about the interaction between phytochrome and GA metabolism and/or responsiveness to GA1. Although our knowledge is still very fragmentary, available results suggest that cessation of growth and initiation of hardening in trees can be controlled both through the phytochrome and the GA mediated systems. Research with tree species is a tedious and slow process, but with the emerging new methods and approaches, we may expect exciting new results in the near future. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]