The coating's purpose is to enhance the tribological conditions at the tool-workpiece and chip–tool interfaces. In comparison to commercial coatings, the current work offers a coating for high-speed steel (HSS) equipment that is thinner and less expensive. A single-point AISI T6 high-speed steel tool having a square cross-section was used to prepare the cutting inserts for turning purpose. The best conditions for coating the HSS insert with ceramic oxides using the sol–gel process were determined. These precursor conditions involved: viscosity, PH, dispersion materials, and the ageing period. The deposition conditions were the number of coating cycles, the immersion time, the calcination temperature, and dry temperature that affects the layer thickness, adhesion, surface roughness, and homogeneity for coating layer. Titanium tetra-isopropoxide (TTIP), a catalyst HCl, and a dispersion material (triethanolamine) were employed to prepare the precursor (titanium hydroxide). The PH, the viscosity, and the ageing time, of the produced precursor were 6.46 and 8.74 cP, and 6 h, respectively. After the dip coating of the cutting inserts for 5 sec immersion time and two number of coating cycle in titania precursor, the inserts were dried at 355℃ for 1 hour. Then, to form the alumina coating film, the inserts were dipped in the alumina hydroxide sol, which was made by combining aluminium isopropoxide IPA, deionised water H2O, and nitric acid (HNO3). The produced precursor had a PH of 5.83, viscosity of 8.11 cP, with an ageing time of 12 h. The immersion time and number of coating cycles in the alumina precursor were 25 sec, and two, respectively. The inserts were dried at 355℃ for 1 hour, then calcinated at 500°C for 2 h to achieve the appropriate film thickness for the machining test. The study investigates the thermal and tribological properties of coated with single and multiple layers as well as uncoated cutting inserts. The results indicated that the hardness is 1393.3 HV with a thickness of 6 µm for multilayer. X-ray diffraction-phase analysis confirms the presence of phases originating from the coatings and substrate. EDS analysis of the chemical composition of the studied coatings indicates the presence of titanium and aluminium, as well as oxygen. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine the surface morphologies of coated surfaces. Scratch hardness is measured in GPa and differs between monolayers (alumina) and multilayers (titania/alumina). Monolayer alumina has a value of 0.374 GPa, whereas multilayer alumina/titania has a value of 1.010 GPa. Multilayer coated inserts, on the other hand, have a lower wear rate than monolayer coated and uncoated inserts. The thermal expansion coefficient of the titania layer is often relatively near to the thermal expansion coefficient of the bulk HSS (11 × 10−6, 13 × 10−6 1/K) that reduces mismatch between substrate HSS and top coating layer (alumina). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]