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1. Influence of migration policy risk on international market segmentation: analysis of housing and rental markets in the euro area.

2. Coverage of environmental issues in undergraduate curricula in social work in four European countries: the UK, Switzerland, Germany and Greece.

3. Social construction of house size expectations: testing the positional good theory and aspiration spiral theory using UK and German panel data.

4. The Structure and Development of Polar Research (1981-2007): a Publication-Based Approach.

5. Risk in discourses around fracking: a discourse linguistic perspective on the UK, the USA and Germany.

6. ‘Herr Hitler's Nazis Hear an Echo of World Opinion’: British and American Press Responses to Nazi Anti-Semitism, September 1930–April 1933.

7. Re-engaging incarcerated children and young people with education and learning using authentic inquiry in Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK.

8. Quantifying and visualizing the 15-Minute walkable city concept across Europe: a multicriteria approach.

9. Understanding acceptance of autonomous vehicles in Japan, UK, and Germany.

10. A cross-cultural analysis of pro-environmental consumer behaviour among seniors.

11. New technological path creation and the role of institutions in different geo-political spaces.

12. 'I like money, I like many things'. The relationship between drugs and crime from the perspective of young people in contact with criminal justice systems.

13. The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain.

14. Measurement in French Experimental Physics from Regnault to Lippmann. Rhetoric and Theoretical Practice.

15. Balancing cost and justice concerns in the energy transition: comparing coal phase-out policies in Germany and the UK.

16. How structure signals status: institutional stratification and the transition from higher education to work in Germany and Britain.

17. Peter Debye: Nazi Collaborator or Secret Opponent?

18. Where 'fake news' flourishes: a comparison across four Western democracies.

19. What about the people? Developing measures of perceived accessibility from case studies in Germany and the UK.

20. Deferred and Income-contingent Tuition Fees: An Empirical Assessment using Belgian, German and UK Data.

21. Standardization in EU education and training policy: findings from a European research network.

22. The Origins of Parliamentary Agenda Control: A Comparative Process Tracing Analysis.

23. How 'uniform' is financial reporting in Germany?- The example of foreign currency translation.

24. Integrative approaches to environmental sustainability at universities: an overview of challenges and priorities.

25. Designing a Quality Product.

26. Assessing the Localization Pattern of German Manufacturing and Service Industries: A Distance-based Approach.

27. On Turks and Turkey: Introduction to the Special Issue.

28. NEU! Europe: Krautrock and British representations of West German countercultures during the 1970s.

29. Solving endogeneity problems in multilevel estimation: an example using education production functions.

30. Interest linkages between the US, UK and German interest rates: should the UK join the European Monetary Union?

31. Technological innovation systems for microgeneration in the UK and Germany - a functional analysis.

32. Containing Urban Sprawl? Comparing Brownfield Reuse Policies in England and Germany.

33. An empirical study of interest rate determination rules.

34. Flexibility in HRM and foreign direct investment: Do international investors self-select?


36. Convergence in Employment-Related Public Policies? A British-German Comparison.

37. Analysis of long-run benefits from international equity diversification between Taiwan and its major European trading partners: an empirical note

38. The more things change, the more things stay the same: a comparative analysis of budget punctuations.

39. The Evolution of Multiculturalism in Britain and Germany: An Historical Survey.

40. The Final Instance--Unemployment Insurance Going Private? A Study of a Future Social Security Scenario in the UK and Germany.

41. Instrumentalizing Fukushima: Comparing Media Coverage of Fukushima in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

42. The revival and decline of rank and file movements in Britain during the 1930s.

43. Avoidance strategies and the German system of co-determination.

44. Beyond survival: the implementation of new forms of work organizations in the UK and German steel industries.

45. Vive les différences? Voice in French MNCs' overseas workplaces: a comparative study of voice in French, German and US subsidiaries in the UK.

46. Reversing the Influence: Anglo-German Relations and British Fitness Policies in the 1930s.

47. Resonance and reach: discussions on racism between the UK and Germany from the late 1970s.

48. Still want to party? An assessment of party-politicization in directly-elected mayoral authorities in England and Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia.

49. Rational-Choice Neo-Institutionalism in Europeanization in the UK and Germany: A Toolkit Offered by Their Memberships in the European Higher Education Area.

50. The Spectacle of Woman as Creator: representation of women composers in the French, German and English feminist press 1880–1930.