
Showing total 12 results
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1. Diagnosis as a sociocultural practice: critical personal narratives of Asian immigrant mothers with Autism-Spectrum Disorder children in Canada.

2. Medical professionalism across cultures: A challenge for medicine and medical education.

3. Dimensions of ethical business cultures: comparing data from 13 countries of Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

4. Complicating the entrepreneurial self: professional Chinese immigrant women negotiating occupations in Canada.

5. Guidelines for Spiritually Informed Care for Individuals who have Experienced Sexual Abuse.

6. International Efforts to Disseminate and Develop the Model of Human Occupation.

7. Fifteen years of publishing in English language journals of sport and exercise psychology: authors' proficiency in English and editorial boards make a difference.

8. Adjusting to the Receiving Country Outside the Sport Environment: A Composite Vignette of Canadian Immigrant Amateur Elite Athlete Acculturation.

9. Negotiation, Mediation and Communication between Cultures: End-of-Life Care for South Asian Immigrants in Canada from the Perspective of Family Caregivers.

10. Consent behind the counter: aspiring citizens and labour control under precarious (im)migration schemes.

11. A Tale of Two Trajectories: How Spatial Data Infrastructures Travel in Time and Space.

12. Outmigration of US immigrants.