
Showing total 203 results
203 results

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1. Transforming paper-based assessment forms to a digital format: Exemplified by the Housing Enabler prototype app.

2. Development of the national priority assistive product list in Malawi.

3. Addressing barriers to health care among Black Alaskans: contributions by social work research to an agenda of health equity.

4. Online language learning in the third-age: Concrete recommendations to improve seniors' learning experiences.

5. What do child protection social workers consider to be the systemic factors driving workforce instability within the English child protection system, and what are the implications for the UK Government's reform strategy?

6. Tracking activity-based therapy for people living with spinal cord injury or disease: insights gained through focus group interviews with key stakeholders.

7. A virtual ethnography study of Indonesian migrant domestic workers' empowerment in online communities.

8. Explanatory and predictive model of the adoption of P2P payment systems.

9. Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public.

10. “Fear Runs Deep:” The Anticipated Needs of LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care.

11. Measuring user competence in using artificial intelligence: validity and reliability of artificial intelligence literacy scale.

12. Not just a talking shop: practitioner perspectives on how communities of practice work to improve outcomes for people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness.

13. Tírala Plena: findings from the formative research to inform the initiative "Reaching those most left behind through comprehensive sexuality education for out-of-school young people" in Colombia.

14. Views and Attitudes about Youth Self-Produced Sexual Images among Professionals with Expertise in Child Sexual Abuse.

15. Development and evaluation of a national careers in aging webinar series for psychology trainees.

16. Creating a Standardised Teaching and Learning Framework for Social Work Field Placements.

17. Domestic abuse prevention education: listening to the views of young people.

18. Developing a social work curriculum on political conflict: findings from an IASSW-funded project.

19. Acceptability of an Aboriginal Wellbeing Intervention for Supporters of People Using Methamphetamines.

20. MenCare+ in South Africa: findings from a gender transformative young men's group education on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

21. Early Implementation of a Family-Centred Practice Model in Child Welfare: Findings from an Irish Case Study.

22. Development of a certification system and core competencies for professional ergonomists in Thailand.

23. Attitudes towards and perceptions of eco-driving and the role of feedback systems.

24. Improving informed consent: Stakeholder views.

25. Acceptance of Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology Among Dementia Clients and Family Caregivers.

26. Young bisexual women’s perspectives on the relationship between bisexual stigma, mental health, and sexual health: a qualitative study.

27. An environmental scan of methods for assessing age-friendliness in post-secondary institutions.

28. ISIBINDI, creating circles of care for orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa: post-programme outcomes.

29. ‘It's good to teach them, but … they should also know when to apply it’: parents’ views and attitudes towards Fiji's Family Life Education curriculum.

30. Community-led identification of mental health support, challenges, and needs among Ethiopian immigrants to the U.S.: opportunities for partnership with faith communities.

31. Creating Futures: lessons from the development of a livelihood-strengthening curriculum for young people in eThekwini's informal settlements.

32. The Duality of Continuing Professional Development in Mental Health Social Work: Voluntary and Involuntary Status.

33. Grandparents Who Provide Auxiliary Care for Their Grandchildren: Satisfaction, Difficulties, and Impact on Their Health and Well-being.

34. Reaching Soldiers with Untreated Substance Use Disorder: Lessons Learned in the Development of a Marketing Campaign for the Warrior Check-Up Study.

35. AIDS/other STIs prevention in China: The effect of sex worker migration and the organization of the sex industry.

36. Using simulation-based interprofessional education to change attitudes towards collaboration among higher specialty trainee physicians and registered nurses: a mixed methods pilot study.

37. Women's Agentic Role in Enabling and Dismantling Menstrual Health Taboos in Northern India: A Culture-Centered Approach.

38. A complex communication skills training program for physicians providing advanced cancer care – content development and barriers and solutions for implementation.

39. Health concerns and attitudes towards research participation in a community of rural Black Americans.

40. Barriers and enablers to influenza vaccination uptake in adults with chronic respiratory conditions: applying the behaviour change wheel to specify multi-levelled tailored intervention content.

41. Intention to reduce stigma for people who are affected by HIV A theory of planned behavior based approach.

42. Work-place cancer and palliative care interprofessional education: experiences of students and staff.

43. Working from the Ground Up and Participatory Action Research: An old urban neighbourhood in Hong Kong.

44. Developing ACASI questionnaires in Borno State, Nigeria during COVID-19: Using data-informed processes to address complexity, sensitivity, and functionality of family functioning and wellbeing measures.

45. The effect of education based on the theory of planned behavior on the promotion of physical activity and knowledge of students about diabetes prevention.

46. Physical therapists' evidence-based practice profile and perspectives of entry-level EBP education: a mixed methods study in the Philippines.

47. Intersectional invisibility experiences of low-income African-American women in healthcare encounters.

48. The role of theory to develop and evaluate a toolkit to increase clinical measurement and interpretation of walking speed and distance in adults post-stroke.

49. A bilingual webnovela on the human papillomavirus: Will Latinas and health professionals use it?

50. Towards safe abortion access: an exploratory study of medical abortion in Cambodia.