1. Teaching Vocabulary Through Gesture and Movement in Early English Language Learning
- Author
Baričević, Mihael and Erk, Mirna
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Anglistika ,Croatian sign language ,hrvatski znakovni jezik ,gestures and movement ,TPR ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Anglistics ,geste i pokreti ,rano učenje engleskoga jezika ,early English language learning - Abstract
Danas u nastavnom procesu možemo uočiti razne metode poučavanja inih jezika koje se već godinama razvijaju, kako za učenike u ranom učenju tako i za starije učenike. Jedna od tih metoda je i metoda Total Physical Response. U ovom radu bavimo se analizom relevantne literature kojom dolazimo do informacija kojima je cilj upoznati čitatelja s ovom metodom, njenim razvojem do danas te načinom upotrebe u nastavi. Uz metodu Total Physical Response u radu se spominje i hrvatski znakovni jezik. Cilj ovog rada bio je povezati geste i pokrete iz hrvatskog znakovnog jezika s metodom Total Physical Response, čija je glavna karakteristika upravo fizički pokret. To je postignuto analizom udžbenika za prva dva razreda osnovnih škola, esktrahiranjem odgovarajućeg vokabulara te prikazom istog fotografijama, uz pomoć literature za hrvatski znakovni jezik. Upotreba ove metode kod učenika podiže motivaciju za učenjem, kao i samu dinamiku nastavnog procesa, a upotreba hrvatskog znakovnog jezika to bi mogla samo još više izraziti. In the process of teaching second languages different teaching methods have been developed for young as well as older learners. One of these methods is the method called Total Physical Response (TPR). Relevant literature was used to explain the method to the reader, its goal, development, and the way it is used in classrooms. Besides the TPR method, which uses movement as its main feature, Croatian sign language is another important topic of this thesis. Consequently, the thesis aims to make a connection between gestures and movement of the Croatian sign language and the TPR method. By analyzing textbooks for Grades 1 and 2 of primary school and extracting TPRable vocabulary, we set to accomplish the objectives of this paper. The vocabulary suggested for teaching via TPR and signs from the Croatian sign language are presented in the practical part. The application of TPR method in the teaching of foreign languages is recognized as an important factor of increase in student motivation as well as a positive influence on class dynamics. Therefore, it is believed that the Croatian sign language used with the TPR method could boost its positive effect.
- Published
- 2022