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409 results

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1. Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping

2. Global optimization in Hilbert space

3. Existence and Uniqueness of the Global L1 Solution of the Euler Equations for Chaplygin Gas

4. Rarefaction Wave Interaction and Shock-Rarefaction Composite Wave Interaction for a Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave System

5. Modified Extragradient Method for Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

6. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

7. The Wiener Measure on the Heisenberg Group and Parabolic Equations

8. KAM Tori for the Derivative Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

9. Necessary optimality conditions for a semivectorial bilevel optimization problem using the kth-objective weighted-constraint approach

10. Solution for nonvariational quasilinear elliptic systems via sub-supersolution technique and Galerkin method

11. Extremal decomposition of a multidimensional complex space for five domains

12. On Justification of the Asymptotics of Eigenfunctions of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in the Problem of Three One-Dimensional Short-Range Quantum Particles with Repulsion

13. Strong Convergence of the Euler-Maruyama Method for Nonlinear Stochastic Convolution Itô-Volterra Integral Equations with Constant Delay

14. Continuability and Boundedness of Solutions for a Kind of Nonlinear Delay Integrodifferential Equations of the Third Order

15. Wasserstein and Kolmogorov Error Bounds for Variance-Gamma Approximation via Stein’s Method I

16. $$L^p$$ L p Sobolev Regularity for a Class of Radon and Radon-Like Transforms of Various Codimension

17. Phaseless Sampling and Reconstruction of Real-Valued Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces

18. Eigenfunction Expansions of Ultradifferentiable Functions and Ultradistributions. III. Hilbert Spaces and Universality

19. The Answer to a Problem Posed by Zhao and Ho

20. On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

21. Statistical equi-equal convergence of positive linear operators

22. Regularity of Maximum Distance Minimizers

23. Continued fraction expansions for the Lambert $$\varvec{W}$$ W function

24. Mean Value Property of Harmonic Functions on the Tetrahedral Sierpinski Gasket

25. Minimal Complex Surfaces with Levi–Civita Ricci-flat Metrics

26. Redheffer type bounds for Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first kind

27. Quenching phenomenon for a parabolic MEMS equation

28. On the Enumeration of Hypermaps Which are Self-Equivalent with Respect to Reversing the Colors of Vertices

29. Comparing Two Numerical Methods for Approximating a New Giving Up Smoking Model Involving Fractional Order Derivatives

30. On the $$\mathbb {K}$$ K -Riemann integral and Hermite–Hadamard inequalities for $$\mathbb {K}$$ K -convex functions

31. Infinite-Dimensional $$\ell ^1$$ ℓ 1 Minimization and Function Approximation from Pointwise Data

32. Further investigation into split common fixed point problem for demicontractive operators

33. Strong Convergence Theorem on Split Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems in Hilbert Spaces

34. Solving a system of split variational inequality problems

35. Existence of nontrivial solution for Schrödinger–Poisson systems with indefinite steep potential well

36. Global smooth flows for compressible Navier–Stokes–Maxwell equations

37. Inexact accelerated high-order proximal-point methods

38. Asymptotic Behavior of a Class of Perturbed Differential Equations

39. A regularity method for lower bounds on the Lyapunov exponent for stochastic differential equations

40. On the Inverse Source Identification Problem in $L^{\infty }$ for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic PDE

41. The characterization of 2-local Lie automorphisms of some operator algebras

42. Numerical Approximation of Poisson Problems in Long Domains

43. A new linesearch iterative scheme for finding a common solution of split equilibrium and fixed point problems

44. Categoricity Spectra of Computable Structures

45. Practical stability for Riemann–Liouville delay fractional differential equations

46. Stochastic Model of Conditional Non-stationary Time Series of the Wind Chill Index in West Siberia

47. James Stein Estimator for the Inverse Gaussian Regression Model

48. Classification and Applications of Randomized Functional Numerical Algorithms for the Solution of Second-Kind Fredholm Integral Equations

49. Poisson Stable Solutions for Stochastic Differential Equations with Lévy Noise

50. Surjective L2-isometries on the Projection Lattice