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1. Some comments on the paper: Controllability of fractional neutral stochastic functional differential systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 65 (2014), no. 5, 941–959

2. Delone sets in ℝ3: Regularity Conditions

3. An extension of the Hermite–Hadamard inequality for convex and s-convex functions

4. Redheffer type bounds for Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first kind

5. On p-convergent Operators on Banach Lattices

6. On the Enumeration of Hypermaps Which are Self-Equivalent with Respect to Reversing the Colors of Vertices

7. Some weak specification properties and strongly mixing

8. Structure Graphs of Rings: Definitions and First Results

9. Sequential Analogues of the Lyapunov and Krein–Milman Theorems in Fréchet Spaces

10. On $$\varvec{n}$$ n -norm preservers and the Aleksandrov conservative $$\varvec{n}$$ n -distance problem

11. To the History of the Appearance of the Notion of the ε-Entropy of an Authomorphism of a Lebesgue Space and (ε,T)-Entropy of a Dynamical System with Continuous Time

12. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

13. Number of Jumps in Two-Sided First-Exit Problems for a Compound Poisson Process

14. Almost Diagonal Matrices and Besov-Type Spaces Based on Wavelet Expansions

15. Existence of nontrivial solution for Schrödinger–Poisson systems with indefinite steep potential well

16. On q-poly-Bernoulli numbers arising from combinatorial interpretations

17. The Best Possible Constants of the Inequalities with Power Exponential Functions

18. New refinements of the discrete Jensen’s inequality generated by finite or infinite permutations

19. Several formulas and identities related to Catalan-Qi and q-Catalan-Qi numbers

20. The variety of domination games

21. Power bounded weighted composition operators and power bounded below composition operators

22. On the Cegrell Classes Associated to a Positive Closed Current

23. On the Discrete Criteria and Jørgensen Inequalities for SL(m, F̅((t)))

24. Rosenthal’s Inequalities for Asymptotically Almost Negatively Associated Random Variables Under Upper Expectations

25. Measure Estimates of Nodal Sets of Polyharmonic Functions

26. New identities involving generalized Fibonacci and generalized Lucas numbers

27. On T-Amorphous Association Schemes

28. Group Ring Ideals Related to Reed–Muller Codes

29. Optimal L2 Extension and Siu’s Lemma

30. Elementary geometry on the integer lattice

31. A comprehensive study of $${\varvec{r}}$$ r -Dowling polynomials

32. A Common Generalization to Theorems on Set Systems with L-intersections

33. On Wavelet and Leader Wavelet Based Large Deviation Multifractal Formalisms for Non-uniform Hölder Functions

34. Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture for some families of Cayley graphs

35. Rees–Shishikura’s theorem for geometrically finite rational maps

36. On the Characterization of Maximal Planar Graphs with a Given Signed Cycle Domination Number

37. Lower estimation of the difference between quasi-arithmetic means

38. $$K_{a}$$ K a -convergence and Korovkin type approximation

39. Cluster structures in 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated categories of Dynkin type with maximal rigid objects

40. Calculation of Belyi Functions for Trees with Weighted Edges

41. On some invariance of the quotient mean with respect to Makó–Páles means

42. Finite groups with given σ-embedded and σ-n-embedded subgroups

43. Ramanujan-type congruences modulo powers of 5 and 7

44. On absolute central automorphisms of a group fixing the center elementwise

45. Isometry Groups of 4-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups

46. On a class of weak nonhomogeneous affine bi-frames for reducing subspaces of L 2(ℝ d )

47. A new hybrid power mean involving the generalized quadratic Gauss sums and sums analogous to Kloosterman sums *

48. General theorems on large deviations for random vectors

49. Sample paths of generalized random linear mappings*

50. The Lengths of the Quaternion and Octonion Algebras