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1. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

2. Approximations in $$L^1$$ with convergent Fourier series

3. High perturbations of quasilinear problems with double criticality

4. Estimating the moments of a random forcing field of 2D fluid from image sequences using energy minimisation method

5. On Boundedness Property of Singular Integral Operators Associated to a Schrödinger Operator in a Generalized Morrey Space and Applications

6. Halanay Inequality on Time Scales with Unbounded Coefficients and Its Applications

7. Convergence of sampling Kantorovich operators in modular spaces with applications

8. A new contractive condition related to Rhoades’s open question

9. Convergence of linking Baskakov-type operators

10. A simple characterization of H-convergence for a class of nonlocal problems

11. Zeckendorf representations with at most two terms to x-coordinates of Pell equations

12. Solution asymptotiquement périodique d'une classe d'équation différentielle stochastique

13. Zero Forcing in Claw-Free Cubic Graphs

14. Double phase problems with variable growth and convection for the Baouendi–Grushin operator

15. New criteria for Vandiver’s conjecture using Gauss sums – Heuristics and numerical experiments

16. Applications of a version of the de Rham lemma to the existence theory of a weak solution to the Maxwell–Stokes type equation

17. Analytic Fragmentation Semigroups and Classical Solutions to Coagulation–fragmentation Equations — a Survey

18. Bellman Systems with Mean Field Dependent Dynamics

19. Redheffer type bounds for Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first kind

20. Extension of Wiener-Wintner double recurrence theorem to polynomials

21. The fractional Dodson diffusion equation: a new approach

22. Automorphism Group of the Subspace Inclusion Graph of a Vector Space

23. Linear combinations of prime powers in sums of terms of binary recurrence sequences

24. Two-parameter families of uniquely extendable Diophantine triples

25. Uo-convergence and its applications to Cesàro means in Banach lattices

26. Sharp reversed Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality on R n

27. On the $$\mathbb {K}$$ K -Riemann integral and Hermite–Hadamard inequalities for $$\mathbb {K}$$ K -convex functions

28. Solution of Riemann problems for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws modeling two-phase flow in general stream tube geometries

29. A study guide for the l 2 decoupling theorem

30. Generalized Multiple Summing Multilinear Operators on Banach Spaces

31. Optimal control for a class of mixed variational problems

32. Improving the Approximation of the First- and Second-Order Statistics of the Response Stochastic Process to the Random Legendre Differential Equation

33. 'Varopoulos paradigm': Mackey property versus metrizability in topological groups

34. A spectral projection method for transmission eigenvalues

35. Generalized Sasakian Space Forms and Riemannian Manifolds of Quasi Constant Sectional Curvature

36. Sine functions on hypergroups

37. On log local Cartier transform of higher level in characteristic p

38. Asymptotics and Attractors for Quasilinear Parabolic-Hyperbolic Systems Governing the Motions of Heavily Burdened Deformable Bodies

39. On a question of Hof, Knill and Simon on palindromic substitutive systems

40. Approximate controllability of a non-autonomous differential equation

41. A Numerical Method to Solve Higher-Order Fractional Differential Equations

42. Near-Best Univariate Spline Discrete Quasi-Interpolants on Nonuniform Partitions

43. Best approximation mappings in Hilbert spaces

44. A Note on the Uniqueness of Certain Types of Differential-Difference Polynomials

45. Spectra and ergodic properties of multiplication and convolution operators on the space $${\mathcal S}({\mathbb R})$$

46. Existence, uniqueness and stability of fractional impulsive functional differential inclusions

47. On the Inverse Source Identification Problem in $L^{\infty }$ for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic PDE

48. The Picard–Mann iteration with s-convexity in the generation of Mandelbrot and Julia sets

49. The $$\partial \overline \partial $$-Bochner Formulas for Holomorphic Mappings between Hermitian Manifolds and Their Applications

50. Generalization of low rank parity-check (LRPC) codes over the ring of integers modulo a positive integer