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1. How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011.

2. The shifters of intrahousehold decision-making in European countries.

3. Neurological research in Europe, as assessed with a four-year overview of neurological science international journals.

4. Profitability of private equity: mean reversion and transitory shocks.

5. Chasing the sun and catching the wind: Energy transition and electricity prices in Europe.

6. Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance: the moderating effects of size and industry sensitivity.

7. Female members of parliament, right-wing parties, and the inclusiveness of immigration policy: evidence from 26 European countries.

8. Capabilities, diversification & economic dynamics in European Regions.

9. Measuring Gender Gaps in Time Allocation in Europe.

10. The dynamics of poverty in Europe: what has changed after the great recession?

11. Severe Housing Deprivation in the European Union: a Joint Analysis of Measurement and Theory.

12. Volatility impacts on the European banking sector: GFC and COVID-19.

13. Identifying a Human Rights Approach to Roma Health Vulnerabilities and Inequalities in Europe: From Concept to Action.

14. Was There a 3.2 ka Crisis in Europe? A Critical Comparison of Climatic, Environmental, and Archaeological Evidence for Radical Change during the Bronze Age–Iron Age Transition.

15. The need for reference machines when energy labelling electric household appliances that are tested to international standards.

16. Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe.

17. Students and university websites—consumers of corporate brands or novices in the academic community?

18. Landscape -- what's in it? Trends in European landscape science and priority themes for concerted research.

19. The Intergenerational Transmission of Female Labour Force Participation by Gender among Native and Immigrant Europeans: A Focus on Religion.

20. The health advantage of volunteering is larger for older and less healthy volunteers in Europe: a mega-analysis.

21. Access to healthcare for people aged 50+ in Europe during the COVID-19 outbreak.

22. Operating leverage and profitability of SMEs: agri-food industry in Europe.

23. Quality control in cochlear implant therapy: clinical practice guidelines and registries in European countries.

24. The effects of energy price, spatial spillover of CO2 emissions, and economic freedom on CO2 emissions in Europe: a spatial econometrics approach.

25. The Value of Autonomy for the Good Life. An Empirical Investigation of Autonomy and Life Satisfaction in Europe.

26. Structural change in times of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration.

27. Review: The influence of global change on Europe's water cycle and groundwater recharge.

28. Art (Pre)History: Ritual, Narrative and Visual Culture in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe.

29. Food Insecurity in Europe: A Gender Perspective.

30. Assessing Macro-economic Effects of Climate Impacts on Energy Demand in EU Sub-national Regions.

31. On flood risk pooling in Europe.

32. Analyzing the changing education distributions of solo self-employed workers and employer entrepreneurs in Europe.

33. Temporary Employment, Informal Work and Subjective Well-Being Across Europe: Does Labor Legislation Matter?

34. Towards a green economy in Europe: does renewable energy production has asymmetric effects on unemployment?

35. Job insecurity and fertility in Europe.

36. European Research on Children, Adolescents and Domestic Violence: Impact, Interventions and Innovations.

37. The adaptation process in port governance: the case of the Latin countries in South America and Europe.

38. Analysis of cross-country variations in the depth of European mortgage markets.

39. Palliative Care Utilization Among Non-Western Migrants in Europe: A Systematic Review.

40. Occupational Social Class and Earnings Inequality in Europe: A Comparative Assessment.

41. Understanding divergence of living standards between Asia and Europe: a proposition of regionally dominant cultural effects.

42. The education pillar of the Europe 2020 strategy: a convergence analysis.

43. Warming in Europe: Recent Trends in Annual and Seasonal temperatures.

44. ECLiq: European interactive catalogue of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction phenomena.

45. Feasibility testing of the Core set of quality Indicators for Paediatric Primary Care in Europe, COSI-PPC-EU.

46. Start-EU-up! Lessons from international incubation practices to address the challenges faced by Western European start-ups.

47. Inaction on Climate Change Projected to Reduce European Life Expectancy.

48. The Influence of Social Models on Retirement Savings: Evidence for European Countries.

49. European regional efficiency and geographical externalities: a spatial nonparametric frontier analysis.

50. Migrating with Special Needs? Projections of Flows of Migrant Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Toward Europe 2016-2030.