
Showing total 2,065 results
2,065 results

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1. Energy-Efficient Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Periodic Real-Time Tasks with Multi-priority Subtasks.

2. Number of Processors with Partitioning Strategy and EDF-Schedulability Test: Upper and Lower Bounds with Comparison.

3. An Agent Negotiation Approach for Establishment of Service Level Agreement.

4. An Analyzer of the User Event for Interactive DMB.

5. Multilevel Pattern Matching Architecture for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention System.

6. Modeling and Management of Service Level Agreements for Digital Video Broadcasting(DVB) Services.

7. On the System Performance vs. User Movement with Systematic Simulation in Mobile Cellular Networks.

8. Low Latency Vertical Handover Using MIH L2-Trigger Algorithm in Mobile IP Networks.

9. Reference Architectural Styles for Service-Oriented Computing.

10. A Scalable Method for Efficient Grid Resource Discovery.

11. Effective Representation of RT-LOTOS Terms by Finite Time Petri Nets.

12. Self-tuned Refresh Rate in a Swarm Intelligence Path Management System.

13. Towards a Formal Semantics for AspectJ Weaving.

14. An Ambient Workplace for Raising Awareness of Internet-Based Cooperation.

15. Invited Talk: Expanding Software Product Families: From Integration to Composition.

16. Self-organizing Software Components in Distributed Systems.

17. A Context Framework with Ontology for Personalised and Cooperative Mobile Learning.

18. New Data Integration Workflow Design for e-Learning.

19. "SmartContext": An Ontology Based Context Model for Cooperative Mobile Learning.

20. Multidisciplinary Knowledge Modeling from Simulation and Specification to Support Concurrent and Collaborative Design.

21. The Extended Quality Function Deployment in Product Life Cycle Design.

22. A Framework for Sketch-Based Cooperative Design.

23. Constraint Information Visualization Methodology for Cooperative Design.

24. Efficient Location Management Scheme for Inter-MAP Movement Using M/G/1 Multi-class Queues in Hierarchical MIPv6.

25. Performance Analysis of 802.11e Burst Transmissions with FEC Codes over Wireless Sensor Networks.

26. Smart Actuator-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Networked Safety-Critical Embedded Systems.

27. An Adaptive DVS Checkpointing Scheme for Fixed-Priority Tasks with Reliability Constraints in Dependable Real-Time Embedded Systems.

28. Real-Time Traffic Packet Scheduling Algorithm in HSDPA System Considering the Maximum Tolerable Delay and Channel Assignment.

29. Real-Time Communications on an Integrated Fieldbus Network Based on a Switched Ethernet in Industrial Environment.

30. Behavioral Synthesis of Double-Precision Floating-Point Adders with Function-Level Transformations: A Case Study.

31. CSP, Cooperative Service Provisioning Using Peer-to-Peer Principles.

32. The Influence of Interference Networks in QoS Parameters in a WLAN 802.11g Environment.

33. On the Optimality of Rollback-Recovery Protocol Preserving Session Guarantees.

34. Performance and Complexity Analysis of Credit-Based End-to-End Flow Control in Network-on-Chip.

35. A Hierarchical Programming Model for Large Parallel Interactive Applications.

36. HPRD: A High Performance RDF Database.

37. Link Protocol Based on DS-CDMA with MUD for Decentralized All-Connected Wireless Network.

38. On the Routing Algorithms for Optical Multi-log2N Networks.

39. Web-Based Engineering Portal for Collaborative Product Development.

40. Lattices and the Collaborative Design in Shipbuilding.

41. A Document Recommendation System Based on Clustering P2P Networks.

42. Differential Conversion: DWG - SVG Case Study.

43. Modeling and Analysis for Grid Service Cooperative Scheduling Based on Petri Nets.

44. Capturing Designers' Knowledge Demands in Collaborative Team.

45. Doing Community: Co-construction of Meaning and Use with Interactive Information Kiosks.

46. No More SMS from Jesus: Ubicomp, Religion and Techno-spiritual Practices.

47. A Framework for Specifying and Managing Security Requirements in Collaborative Systems.

48. Interference-Aware Selfish Routing in Multi-ratio Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks.

49. Autonomic Group Location Update for Mobile Networks.

50. An Integration Framework for Trustworthy Transactions.