
Showing total 1,132 results
1,132 results

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201. A computing procedure for the small inductive dimension of a finite $$\mathrm{T}_0$$ -space.

202. Efficient random coordinate descent algorithms for large-scale structured nonconvex optimization.

203. A parametric solution algorithm for a class of rank-two nonconvex programs.

204. Minimum total coloring of planar graph.

205. Regularized hybrid iterative algorithms for triple hierarchical variational inequalities.

206. Iterative algorithms for finding the zeroes of sums of operators.

207. Thresholded covering algorithms for robust and max-min optimization.

208. Integrated size and topology optimization of skeletal structures with exact frequency constraints.

209. Efficient controller synthesis for a fragment of $$\hbox {MTL}_{0, \infty }$$.

210. Optimizing a multi-stage production/inventory system by DC programming based approaches.

211. A Novel Intra-Class Distance-Based Signature Identification Algorithm Using Weighted Gabor Features and Dynamic Characteristics.

212. A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding Locally Connected Spanning Trees on Circular-Arc Graphs.

213. To solving problems of algebra for two-parameter matrices. X.

214. A modified extreme learning machine with sigmoidal activation functions.

215. On the finite basis problem for certain 2-limited words.

216. Preconditioning and globalizing conjugate gradients in dual space for quadratically penalized nonlinear-least squares problems.

217. Spatial reasoning with rectangular cardinal relations.

218. Bipartite Graphs with the Maximal Value of the Second Zagreb Index.

219. Community detection using global and local structural information.

220. Least squares estimation for a class of non-uniformly sampled systems based on the hierarchical identification principle.

221. Recognizing Treelike k-Dissimilarities.

222. Using the parametric approach to solve the continuous-time linear fractional max-min problems.

223. An alternating variable method for the maximal correlation problem.

224. A linear eigenvalue algorithm for the nonlinear eigenvalue problem.

225. On laplace and Dini transformations for multidimensional equations with a decomposable principal symbol.

226. Linear-Time Algorithm for the Paired-Domination Problem in Convex Bipartite Graphs.

227. Cycle detection algorithms and their applications.

228. How landscape ruggedness influences the performance of real-coded algorithms: a comparative study.

229. OFP_CLASS: a hybrid method to generate optimized fuzzy partitions for classification.

230. Fast algorithms for implementation of the Green's function.

231. An efficient algorithm for maximal margin clustering.

232. Augmented Lagrangian functions for constrained optimization problems.

233. Permutation binomials and their groups.

234. A computationally efficient method for delineating irregularly shaped spatial clusters.

235. Data array multiprocessing by difference slices.

236. Optimality of the Neighbor Joining Algorithm and Faces of the Balanced Minimum Evolution Polytope.

237. Sets of Double and Triple Weights of Trees.

238. A Property Tester for Tree-Likeness of Quartet Topologies.

239. A survey: hybrid evolutionary algorithms for cluster analysis.

240. A Mathematical Approach to the Analysis of Multiplex DNA Profiles.

241. A Simple Linear-Time Recognition Algorithm for Weakly Quasi-Threshold Graphs.

242. Cluster scheduling for real-time systems: utilization bounds and run-time overhead.

243. The Continuities of Nonadditive Functions on Effect Algebras.

244. Two-Tape Finite Automata with Quantum and Classical States.

245. Mutual Information Analysis: a Comprehensive Study.

246. Some observations on HC-128.

247. Efficient branch-and-bound algorithms for weighted MAX-2-SAT.

248. Log-Linear Convergence and Divergence of the Scale-Invariant (1+1)-ES in Noisy Environments.

249. Weak Derandomization of Weak Algorithms: Explicit Versions of Yao's Lemma.

250. Algorithms for Producing and Ordering Lexical and Nonlexical Sequences out of One Element.