
Showing total 14,543 results
14,543 results

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1. A fully-automated paper ECG digitisation algorithm using deep learning.

2. Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems: a special issue on tool papers for TACAS 2021.

3. An FPGA Implementation of the Log-MAP Algorithm for a Dirty Paper Coding CODEC.

4. Special Issue on papers from the 2019 Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems.

5. Intelligent algorithms and complex system for a smart parking for vaccine delivery center of COVID-19.

6. Autonomous localized path planning algorithm for UAVs based on TD3 strategy.

7. Research on fabric surface defect detection algorithm based on improved Yolo_v4.

8. Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems: a special issue for TACAS 2020.

9. Moth-flame optimization algorithm based on diversity and mutation strategy.

10. Optimization of table tennis target detection algorithm guided by multi-scale feature fusion of deep learning.

11. Fast privacy-preserving utility mining algorithm based on utility-list dictionary.

12. A scalable blockchain based framework for efficient IoT data management using lightweight consensus.

13. Image convolution techniques integrated with YOLOv3 algorithm in motion object data filtering and detection.

14. A flocking control algorithm of multi-agent systems based on cohesion of the potential function.

15. Performance analysis of deep learning-based object detection algorithms on COCO benchmark: a comparative study.

16. Research on WSN reliable ranging and positioning algorithm for forest environment.

17. A new detection algorithm for alien intrusion on highway.

18. Ranking scientific publications: the effect of nonlinearity.

19. Lightweight aerial image object detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv5s.

20. A multi-layer composite identification scheme of cryptographic algorithm based on hybrid random forest and logistic regression model.

21. HPO-RRT*: a sampling-based algorithm for UAV real-time path planning in a dynamic environment.

22. Algorithmic Transparency and Manipulation.

23. CNN-VAE: An intelligent text representation algorithm.

24. Introductory paper: scalability aspects of validation.

26. STAM-LSGRU: a spatiotemporal radar echo extrapolation algorithm with edge computing for short-term forecasting.

27. Ancient mural dynasty recognition algorithm based on a neural network architecture search.

28. A quantum moving target segmentation algorithm for grayscale video based on background difference method.

29. Dynamic multi-strategy integrated differential evolution algorithm based on reinforcement learning for optimization problems.

30. AGV monocular vision localization algorithm based on Gaussian saliency heuristic.

31. Algorithms Don’t Have A Future: On the Relation of Judgement and Calculation.

32. Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems: a special issue for TACAS 2019.

33. LMFD: lightweight multi-feature descriptors for image stitching.

34. Study on reservoir optimal operation based on coupled adaptive ε constraint and multi strategy improved Pelican algorithm.

35. LOCP: Latency-optimized channel pruning for CNN inference acceleration on GPUs.

36. Multimodal machine learning in precision health: A scoping review.

37. Real-time fire detection algorithms running on small embedded devices based on MobileNetV3 and YOLOv4.

38. 2015 JETTA-TTTC Best Paper Award.

39. Outline of a fault diagnosis system for a large-scale board machine.

41. Automatic detection method for tobacco beetles combining multi-scale global residual feature pyramid network and dual-path deformable attention.

42. Application of the QDST algorithm for the Schrödinger particle simulation in the infinite potential well.

43. Offline and online task allocation algorithms for multiple UAVs in wireless sensor networks.

44. Improved adaptive-phase fuzzy high utility pattern mining algorithm based on tree-list structure for intelligent decision systems.

45. Task recommendation based on user preferences and user-task matching in mobile crowdsensing.

46. Discovering frequent parallel episodes in complex event sequences by counting distinct occurrences.

47. Multifactorial evolutionary algorithm with adaptive transfer strategy based on decision tree.

48. A detection method for the ridge beast based on improved YOLOv3 algorithm.

49. Feature selection algorithm for usability engineering: a nature inspired approach.

50. SEFSD: an effective deployment algorithm for fog computing systems.