1. Production of excited beauty states in Z decays
- Author
Jordan Nash, H. Videau, Gunter Quast, P. Payre, I. Siotis, Giuseppe Iaselli, André Rosowsky, J.D. Hansen, Jean-Claude Montret, U. Stierlin, P. Henrard, H. Dietl, I. Videau, S. L. Cartwright, E. P. Whelan, Jiali Lin, A. M. Stacey, C. Gotzhein, C. Boyer, H. Duarte, Paul Hanke, P. Colas, I. ten Have, D.P.S. Ferguson, C. Benchouk, K. Jakobs, R. Alemany, M. A. McNeil, M. I. Williams, R. M. Turnbull, S. Wasserbaech, G. Sanguinetti, M. Pepe-Altarelli, S. Werner, A. Cordier, Pierluigi Campana, M. Martinez, Ramon Miquel, A. S. Thompson, S. Bettarini, R. Xu, Franco Ligabue, G. Mannocchi, Xin Wu, R. Fantechi, F. Courault, D. Kuhn, R W Assmann, C. N. Booth, J. Jousset, Michael Schmitt, J. P. Lees, V. Chiarella, G. Lütjens, P. R. Norton, J. Sommer, F. Murtas, Salvatore Nuzzo, G. Batignani, M. Edwards, M. N. Minard, J. J. Walsh, Jd Turk, J. Boucrot, M. Carpinelli, P. Rensing, P. Colrain, C. Padilla, F. Saadi, Paolo Spagnolo, T. J. Sloan, E. Feigl, X. Huang, C. Rankin, Paolo Laurelli, O. Callot, Paolo Azzurri, Günther Dissertori, B. Rensch, Dominique Pallin, Marco Cattaneo, Stefan Simion, G. Hughes, Q. Ouyang, T. R. Edgecock, Joseph Rothberg, G. Bologna, Gerardo Ganis, Piero Giorgio Verdini, B. Michel, G. Giannini, S. Natali, R. Beuselinck, Philippe Ghez, G. Triggiani, M. C. Lemaire, A. M. Bencheikh, R. Hagelberg, A. Beddall, H. Hu, I. Abt, Werner Wiedenmann, F. Thomson, M. Bardadin-Otwinowska, P. Palazzi, A. P. Betteridge, Stephanie Brandt, J. J. Veillet, André Rougé, G. B. Taylor, P. Tempesta, I. Efthymiopoulos, D. W. Kim, A. Böhrer, W. Kozanecki, F. Combley, D. R. Botterill, H. Wachsmuth, C. Markou, G. Bencivenni, P. A. McNamara, Y. S. Gao, Gy. Wolf, H. G. Sander, G.P. Murtas, P. Saraiva, Y. Saadi, G. Bonvicini, R. St. Denis, S. Schael, B. Pietrzyk, B. Vallage, David Colling, T. Wildish, F. Forti, G. A. Cowan, H.Y. Kim, D. J. Candlin, W. Orejudos, R. P. Johnson, W. Blum, F. Ragusa, D. Casper, Arnaud Lucotte, D. Si Mohand, J.R. Hansen, F. Bossi, A. Putzer, M. De Palma, J.M. Yamartino, G. Felici, Lorenzo Foà, P. Maley, C. K. Bowdery, P. S. Marrocchesi, C. Grupen, S. Gonzalez, A. Ranieri, B. Marx, E. B. Martin, Donato Creanza, K. Tittel, Konrad Kleinknecht, Roger Forty, F. Sanchez, S.R. Armstrong, D. E. Jaffe, R. Della Marina, J. Grahl, John T Harvey, F. Foster, Giovanna Selvaggi, F. Podlyski, Alessandro Giassi, P. Coyle, L. Passalacqua, Philippe Odier, M. Wunsch, J. J. Aubert, O. Schneider, D. Buskulic, A. Pacheco, S. Emery, Cristinel Diaconu, L. Smolik, Christian Bauer, M. Zheng, M. Thulasidas, Kevin M. Smith, Guido Tonelli, F. Stephan, I. G. Knowles, W. Tejessy, J. M. Rossignol, A. M. Greene, Giuseppe Raso, F. Le Diberder, V. Gaitan, W. Zhao, J. Carr, B. Jost, L. Moneta, Patrick Janot, A. Galla, G. Gelao, M. Delfino, Alberto Messineo, V. Bertin, G.A. Blair, Roberto Tenchini, C. Raine, B. Bloch-Devaux, Pablo Rodriguez Perez, Maria Girone, L. Bosisio, G. Rudolph, J.A. Strong, A. Roussarie, S. Monteil, Giuseppe Zito, G. Rizzo, H.J. Park, Ian R Tomalin, C. Georgiopoulos, J. M. Scarr, Alexander Finch, F. Romano, J. Schwindling, M. Letho, D. M. Binnie, Ettore Focardi, John Rander, Ian Dawson, Mario Giorgi, A. Minten, Andrea Venturi, A. Bonissent, Nancy Marinelli, Laurent Duflot, Lester D.R. Thompson, F. Etienne, O.J. Hayes, R. Settles, J. P. Schuller, Yuehong Xie, Yang Gao, J. L. Harton, K. Zachariadou, M. Apollonio, P. Perrodo, Giuseppe Bagliesi, M. Fernandez-Bosman, Peter Elmer, A. Engelhardt, Fabrizio Palla, I. De Bonis, Georg Zobernig, Mi Parsons, S. Orteu, I. Nikolic, C. Guicheney, Joleen Pater, G. Lutz, R. Wanke, M. G. Green, W. Cameron, Hasko Stenzel, Eric Lancon, I. Ferrante, Robert Richter, G. Crawford, C. Vannini, D. L. Johnson, B. Gobbo, L. Bellantoni, Aristotelis Kyriakis, M. G. Smith, G. Parrini, H. G. Moser, T. Fearnley, M. H. Schune, A. Farilla, I. Lehraus, M. Davier, M. Jacquet, J. F. Pusztaszeri, J. K. Sedgbeer, H. Drevermann, Duccio Abbaneo, M. Chmeissani, J. F. Renardy, Elizabeth Locci, A. M. Lutz, T. Medcalf, Markus Frank, J. C. Thompson, Vivek Sharma, A. Gregorio, Sau Lan Wu, H. Meinhard, P. van Gemmeren, M. Corden, S. Xue, A. Rosado-Schlosser, Alan Litke, Andrea Sciabà, P. Bourdon, D. Decamp, C. Geweniger, L. Rolandi, Jie Zhang, S. J. Dorris, D. Nicod, J. M. Crespo, Mario Maggi, R. G. Jacobsen, O. Braun, A. Antonelli, R. Tanaka, A. Vayaki, M.G. Schmidt, Joseph Proriol, Giorgio Maggi, A. Lusiani, Duncan A. Brown, Mossadek Talby, J. A. Perlas, E. E. Kluge, F. Teubert, Vitaliano Ciulli, David Rousseau, J. Lefrançois, M. Verderi, Alain Falvard, F. Ranjard, W. Männer, C. Goy, Emmerich Kneringer, A. Barres, A. Moutoussi, R. Boswell, F. Dydak, G. Bujosa, Lei Zhang, A. Koksal, B. Renk, Roberto Dell'Orso, Val O'Shea, Ll. M. Mir, Christian Zeitnitz, I. C. Park, Jørgen Beck Hansen, Stephen Haywood, G. R. Bonneaud, N. Konstantinidis, Jorg Wotschack, Ph. Heusse, A. M. Walsh, M. Rumpf, P. Girtler, Y. B. Pan, F. Ruggieri, Peter Hansen, E. Simopoulou, V. Hepp, David Calvet, Ll. Garrido, S. Thorn, G. Graefe, P. Reeves, L. M. Bryant, T. J. Brodbeck, M. Schmelling, P. Mato, G. Lutters, B.S. Nilsson, T. Oest, Z. Y. Feng, J. Minguet-Rodriguez, F. Rivera, G. San Martin, Maria Agnese Ciocci, Fabio Cerutti, R. W. Clifft, J.G. Lynch, P. Comas, Lucia Silvestris, C. Bozzi, U. Becker, A. W. Halley, J. C. Brient, Ting-Chi Wang, Jane Nachtman, I.J. Scott, A. Pascual, H. Seywerd, W. Witzeling, W. M. Newton, J. Knobloch, Anna Colaleo, D. Schlatter, F. Ariztizabal, Ziad Ajaltouni, Jean-Francois Grivaz, G. Calderini, J. Raab, P. J. Dornan, A. Blondel, A. Trabelsi, J. Steinberger, E. Fernandez, W. T. Morton, P. Perret, G. Musolino, A. Valassi, Hubert Kroha, G. Capon, Buskulic, D, Casper, D, Debonis, I, Decamp, D, Ghez, P, Goy, C, Lees, J, Lucotte, A, Minard, M, Odier, P, Pietrzyk, B, Ariztizabal, F, Chmeissani, M, Crespo, J, Efthymiopoulos, I, Fernandez, E, Fernandezbosman, M, Gaitan, V, Garrido, L, Martinez, M, Orteu, S, Pacheco, A, Padilla, C, Palla, F, Pascual, A, Perlas, J, Sanchez, F, Teubert, F, Colaleo, A, Creanza, D, Depalma, M, Farilla, A, Gelao, G, Girone, M, Iaselli, G, Maggi, G, Maggi, M, Marinelli, N, Natali, S, Nuzzo, S, Ranieri, A, Raso, G, Romano, F, Ruggieri, F, Selvaggi, G, Silvestris, L, Tempesta, P, Zito, G, Huang, X, Lin, J, Ouyang, Q, Wang, T, Xie, Y, Xu, R, Xue, S, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, Zhao, W, Bonvicini, G, Cattaneo, M, Comas, P, Coyle, P, Drevermann, H, Engelhardt, A, Forty, R, Frank, M, Hagelberg, R, Harvey, J, Jacobsen, R, Janot, P, Jost, B, Knobloch, J, Lehraus, I, Markou, C, Martin, E, Mato, P, Meinhard, H, Minten, A, Miquel, R, Oest, T, Palazzi, P, Pater, J, Pusztaszeri, J, Ranjard, F, Rensing, P, Rolandi, L, Schlatter, D, Schmelling, M, Schneider, O, Tejessy, W, Tomalin, I, Venturi, A, Wachsmuth, H, Wiedenmann, W, Wildish, T, Witzeling, W, Wotschack, J, Ajaltouni, Z, Bardadinotwinowska, M, Barres, A, Boyer, C, Falvard, A, Gay, P, Guicheney, C, Henrard, P, Jousset, J, Michel, B, Monteil, S, Montret, J, Pallin, D, Perret, P, Podlyski, F, Proriol, J, Rossignol, J, Saadi, F, Fearnley, T, Hansen, J, Hansen, P, Nilsson, B, Kyriakis, A, Simopoulou, E, Siotis, I, Vayaki, A, Zachariadou, K, Blondel, A, Bonneaud, G, Brient, J, Bourdon, P, Passalacqua, L, Rouge, A, Rumpf, M, Tanaka, R, Valassi, A, Verderi, M, Videau, H, Candlin, D, Parsons, M, Focardi, E, Parrini, G, Corden, M, Delfino, M, Georgiopoulos, C, Jaffe, D, Antonelli, A, Bencivenni, G, Bologna, G, Bossi, F, Campana, P, Capon, G, Chiarella, V, Felici, G, Laurelli, P, Mannocchi, G, Murtas, F, Murtas, G, Pepealtarelli, M, Dorris, S, Halley, A, Tenhave, I, Knowles, I, Lynch, J, Morton, W, Oshea, V, Raine, C, Reeves, P, Scarr, J, Smith, K, Smith, M, Thompson, A, Thomson, F, Thorn, S, Turnbull, R, Becker, U, Braun, O, Geweniger, C, Graefe, G, Hanke, P, Hepp, V, Kluge, E, Putzer, A, Rensch, B, Schmidt, M, Sommer, J, Stenzel, H, Tittel, K, Werner, S, Wunsch, M, Beuselinck, R, Binnie, D, Cameron, W, Colling, D, Dornan, P, Konstantinidis, N, Moneta, L, Moutoussi, A, Nash, J, Sanmartin, G, Sedgbeer, J, Stacey, A, Dissertori, G, Girtler, P, Kneringer, E, Kuhn, D, Rudolph, G, Bowdery, C, Brodbeck, T, Colrain, P, Crawford, G, Finch, A, Foster, F, Hughes, G, Sloan, T, Whelan, E, Williams, M, Galla, A, Greene, A, Kleinknecht, K, Quast, G, Raab, J, Renk, B, Sander, H, Wanke, P, Zeitnitz, C, Aubert, J, Bencheikh, A, Benchouk, C, Bonissent, A, Bujosa, G, Calvet, D, Carr, J, Diaconu, C, Etienne, F, Thulasidas, M, Nicod, D, Payre, P, Rousseau, D, Talby, M, Abt, I, Assmann, R, Bauer, C, Blum, W, Brown, D, Dietl, H, Dydak, F, Ganis, G, Gotzhein, C, Jakobs, K, Kroha, H, Lutjens, G, Lutz, G, Manner, W, Moser, H, Richter, R, Rosadoschlosser, A, Schael, S, Settles, R, Seywerd, H, Stierlin, U, Stdenis, R, Wolf, G, Alemany, R, Boucrot, J, Callot, O, Cordier, A, Courault, F, Davier, M, Duflot, L, Grivaz, J, Heusse, P, Jacquet, M, Kim, D, Lediberder, F, Lefranois, J, Lutz, A, Musolino, G, Nikolic, I, Park, H, Park, I, Schune, M, Simion, S, Veillet, J, Videau, I, Abbaneo, D, Azzurri, P, Bagliesi, G, Batignani, G, Bettarini, S, Bozzi, C, Calderini, G, Carpinelli, M, Ciocci, M, Ciulli, V, Dellorso, R, Fantechi, R, Ferrante, I, Foa, L, Forti, F, Giassi, A, Giorgi, M, Gregorio, A, Ligabue, F, Lusiani, A, Marrocchesi, P, Messineo, A, Rizzo, G, Sanguinetti, G, Sciaba, A, Spagnolo, P, Steinberger, J, Tenchini, R, Tonelli, G, Triggiani, G, Vannini, C, Verdini, P, Walsh, J, Betteridge, A, Blair, G, Bryant, L, Cerutti, F, Gao, Y, Green, M, Johnson, D, Medcalf, T, Mir, L, Perrodo, P, Strong, J, Bertin, V, Botterill, D, Clifft, R, Edgecock, T, Haywood, S, Edwards, M, Maley, P, Norton, P, Thompson, J, Blochdevaux, B, Colas, P, Duarte, H, Emery, S, Kozanecki, W, Lancon, E, Lemaire, M, Locci, E, Marx, B, Perez, P, Rander, J, Renardy, J, Rosowsky, A, Roussarie, A, Schuller, J, Schwindling, J, Mohand, D, Trabelsi, A, Vallage, B, Johnson, R, Kim, H, Litke, A, Mcneil, M, Taylor, G, Beddall, A, Booth, C, Boswell, R, Cartwright, S, Combley, F, Dawson, I, Koksal, A, Letho, M, Newton, W, Rankin, C, Thompson, L, Bohrer, A, Brandt, S, Cowan, G, Feigl, E, Grupen, C, Lutters, G, Minguetrodriguez, J, Rivera, F, Saraiva, P, Smolik, L, Stephan, F, Vangemmeren, P, Apollonio, M, Bosisio, L, Dellamarina, R, Giannini, G, Gobbo, B, Ragusa, F, Rothberg, J, Wasserbaech, S, Armstrong, S, Bellantoni, L, Elmer, P, Feng, Z, Ferguson, D, Gonzalez, S, Grahl, J, Harton, J, Hayes, O, Hu, H, Mcnamara, P, Nachtman, J, Orejudos, W, Pan, Y, Saadi, Y, Schmitt, M, Scott, I, Sharma, V, Turk, J, Walsh, A, Wu, S, Wu, X, Yamartino, J, Zheng, M, Zobernig, G, Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand (LPC), Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), ALEPH, Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Chadelas, Michèle, Lees, Jp, Minard, Mn, Crespo, Jm, Perlas, Ja, Forty, Rw, Martin, Eb, Pater, Jr, Pusztaszeri, Jf, Rolandi, Luigi, Tomalin, Ir, Montret, Jc, Rossignol, Jm, Hansen, Jb, Hansen, Jd, Hansen, Jr, Hansen, Ph, Brient, Jc, Candlin, Dj, Parsons, Mi, Jaffe, De, Murtas, Gp, Dorris, Sj, Halley, Aw, Knowles, Ig, Lynch, Jg, Morton, Wt, Scarr, Jm, Smith, Mg, Turnbull, Rm, Kluge, Ee, Binnie, Dm, Colling, Dj, Dornan, Pj, Sedgbeer, Jk, Stacey, Am, Bowdery, Ck, Brodbeck, Tj, Finch, Aj, Whelan, Ep, Williams, Mi, Greene, Am, Sander, Hg, Aubert, Jj, Bencheikh, Am, Moser, Hg, Grivaz, Jf, Kim, Dw, Lutz, Am, Park, Hj, Park, Ic, Schune, Mh, Veillet, Jj, Ciocci, Ma, Giorgi, Ma, Ligabue, Franco, Lusiani, Alberto, Verdini, Pg, Betteridge, Ap, Blair, Ga, Bryant, Lm, Green, Mg, Johnson, Dl, Mir, Lm, Strong, Ja, Botterill, Dr, Clifft, Rw, Edgecock, Tr, Norton, Pr, Thompson, Jc, Lemaire, Mc, Renardy, Jf, Schuller, Jp, Johnson, Rp, Kim, Hy, Litke, Am, Mcneil, Ma, Booth, Cn, Newton, Wm, Thompson, Lf, Armstrong, Sr, Ferguson, Dp, Harton, Jl, Hayes, Oj, Mcnamara, Pa, Nachtman, Jm, Pan, Yb, Scott, Ij, Turk, Jd, Walsh, Am, Wu, Sl, Yamartino, Jm, and Zobernig, G.
- Subjects
Physics ,Particle physics ,Meson ,[PHYS.HEXP] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] ,Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Electron–positron annihilation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Hadron ,Rest frame ,01 natural sciences ,Nuclear physics ,Pion ,Excited state ,0103 physical sciences ,Beauty ,[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] ,B meson ,Production (computer science) ,010306 general physics ,ALEPH experiment ,Particle Physics - Experiment ,media_common - Abstract
A data sample of about 3.0 million hadronicZ decays collected by the ALEPH experiment at LEP in the years 1991 through 1994 is used to make an inclusive selection of B hadron events. In this event sample 4227±140±252B* mesons in the decayB*→Bγ and 1944±108±161B** u,d mesons decaying into a B meson and a charged pion are reconstructed. Here and in the followingB** u,d denotes the eightL=1(bū) and (bd) states and their charge conjugate. For the well establishedB* meson the following quantities are obtained:ΔM=M B*−MB=(45.30±0.35±0.87) MeV/c2 andN B*/(N B+N B*)=(77.1±2.6±7.0)%. The angular distribution of the photons in theB* rest frame is used to measure the relative contribution of longitudinalB* polarization states to beσ L/(σ L+σ T)=(33±6±5)%. In theM(Bπ)−M(B) mass difference resonance structure is observed at (424±4±10) MeV/c2, for which the shape and position is consistent with the expectation forB** u,d states decaying intoB(*)π ±. The relative production rate is determined to be $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{BR(Z \to b \to B_{u,d}^{ * * } )}}{{BR(Z \to b \to B_{u,d} )}} \hfill \\ = [27.9 \pm 1.6(stat) \pm 5.9(syst) {}_{ - 5.6}^{ + 3.9} (model)]\% \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where the third error reflects the uncertainty due to different production and decay models for the broadB** u,d states.
- Published
- 1996