Multi-Wavelength,High-Sp eedVideoSp ectroheliographYoichiro HanaokaNationalAstronomical Observatory ofJapan,2-21-1Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo181-8588, JapanABSTRACTA high-sp eed video sp ectroheliograph was develop ed for imaging sp ectroscopy observations in multi-wavelengthbands.Itisattachedtothefo calplaneofsp ectrograph60cmDomelessSolarTelescop eatHidaObservatory,Kyoto University.Althoughto take sp ectroheliograms needs some timeto scan the solar imageontheslit,asp ectroheliographgetssp ectralinformationco-temp orallywithoutsu eringimageblurringsbythe seeinge ect.Therefore,asp ectroheliographis suitabletoobtaindatacub e(spatial2-D +sp ectral 1-D)forquantitativesp ectralanalysessuchasvelo city eldcalculations.Inoursp ectroheliographsystem,uptothreeCCDvideocamerascanbeattached tothesp ectrograph,andwecansimultaneously observeupthree wavelength bands, for example, Ca I I K/G-band/H,with three CCD video cameras, owing to the widewavelength coerage of the sp ectrograph.Therefore, heliograms at di erentheights in the solar atmosphere canb e obtained simultaneously.Images from the cameras are digitized by a frame grabb er to 512 (4.30along theslit) pixels256 (along the disp ersion, typically 24 A wide) lines and pro cessed by a PC with a frame rate of30 frames s1.Therefore, it takes only 17 s to obtain a set of 512512 pixel heliograms, whichcover the eldof view of 4.304.3.Keywords:sp ectroheliograph, imaging sp ectroscopy,multi-wavelength-bands1. INTRODUCTIONTostudythedynamicsofsolarphotosphereandchromosphere,itisessentiallyimp ortanttoobtainadatacub e (spatiallytwo dimensions+ sp ectrallyonedimension).Generally,toobtain adata cub e withtwo-dimensional detector suchasa CCD needs multiple exp osures, but suchatyp e of data acquisition su ersimage motions b etween subsequent exp osures due to the seeing e ect.The b est wayto avoid the seeing e ect isthe `three-dimensional sp ectroscopy' technique, with which a data cub e can b e obtained with a single exp osure.However,sincethenumberofdatapoints(orpixels)obtainedwithasingleexp osureislimited,eneedtosacri cethespatialpixelnumbersand/orwavelength coerageinthreedimensionalsp ectroscopy.For instance, the Multi-channel Subtractive Double Pass sp ectrograph1(MSDP), which is a pioneering three-dimensionalsp ectroscopy instrumentinsolar physics and has b een installed in various telescop es,2can takeimages atninewavelengthscoering anabsorption linewithsingleexp osure,butits eldofviewisratherlimited.Therefore,thedataacquisitionwithmultipleexp osuresscanningaroundanabsorptionlineatunable lteristhemostwidelyusedtechniquetoobtaindatacub e.Therecentdevelopmenoflargeformat CCDs, whichcovers a wide eld of view with a high-spatial resolution, and the developmentoftunable lters, esp ecially tunable Fabry-Perot lters in addition to Lyot lters, helps such a technique.However, imageshifts b etween the subsequent exp osures due to the seeing e ect pro duce false sp ectral signals and they makequantitative sp ectral analyses di cult.Sp ectroheliographs are classic instruments to get mono chromatic images.It is necessary to scan the solar im-age to get two-dimensional images, and it takes some time even to get a single mono chromatic image.Therefore,asp ectroheliographhaslittleadvantage to ltergraphsystem forobtainingsinglemono chromatic image.However, we can get full sp ectral information for a slitp osition with a single exp osure using a sp ectrograph.Therefore we can carry out sp ectral analyses b eing free from the image motion due to the seeing e ect, whilethe seeing e ect gives somewhat distorted mono chromatic images in the case of sp ectroheliographs.Therefore,a sp ectroheliograph is a b etter alternative to get a set of mono chromatic images for quantitative analyses.Forthis reason, precise imaging sp ectrop olarimetries to make magnetograms are done with sp ectroheliographs (theFurther author