Introduction: The elderly's diminished social status in Portuguese society, the loss of authority during the aging process and the increased vulnerability associated with dependence, social isolation and economic frailty, contribute imperatively to a higher risk of abuse. According to the World Health Organization, Portugal is one of the main countries where this problem occurs. According to a study conducted in Portugal, 39.4% of elderly women surveyed claimed to be victims of abuse. Physical, sexual or psychological abuse are major public health problems. Aim: To review the available screening methods for elder abuse. Methods: A search was conducted in the databases: Medline and Uptodate and medical journals: Postgraduate Medicine, PacientCare and Geriatrics. Results: About two dozen screening scales for elder abuse were found, with different application and selection criteria. Discussion: Through screening and identification of cases of maltreatment, as well as awareness of the existence of risk factors and alarm signs, the family doctor has a key role in the prevention and protection of their vulnerable elderly patients. However, further research in this field is important to simplify the selection of the most appropriate scale to be used in daily clinical practice.