The article discusses how emerging methods to make photonic connections to electronic microchips may dramatically change the shape of computers in the decade ahead. The stage thus appears set for photonic connections, which exchange data via laser light, to take over for copper wiring in the next decade. Data already often move between electronic and photonic forms at the periphery of a computer system, on their way to or from a CD or DVD, display monitor, mouse, camera, stereo amplifier or fiber-optic network. But the core of most computers--the processor, the main memory, and the motherboard that connects those to the various peripheral devices--remains an all-electron show. The reason for this is simple: optical interconnections, though often many times faster than copper wires and traces, tend to be 10 to 100 times more expensive. For some applications, such as switching thousands of telephone calls or shuttling billions of Internet packets, capacity trumps cost. If that happens, computers may look and operate very differently a decade from now. Some changes will be of the "faster, smaller" variety. Video cameras and portable video players might plug their fiber-optic cables into the photonic successors to USB ports. Many of the components of a computer that are now crammed into a two-foot-high rectangular box could in principle be spread across a car, throughout a building or all over a city, with data flowing among them on pulses of light. At first glance, III-V chips might seem ideal for photonics. Electrons move faster in them than in silicon, so III-V processors can operate at much higher frequencies. Using indium phosphide, for example, a group led by Daniel Blumenthal and Larry Coldren at the University of California at Santa Barbara last year constructed a "photon copier." INSETS: THE PHOTONIC PC: WHAT'S HERE AND WHAT'S AHEAD;FROM WIRES TO WAVEGUIDES;CHANGING THE SHAPE.