Climate change has become a great challenge to our generation and its impact is felt in almost every society in the world. Nigeria as a developing country with a population of about 180 million is likely to be adversely impacted by climate change due to its vulnerability and low coping capability. Evidences have shown that climate change impacts on Nigeria arises from various climate change related causes experienced due to the increase in temperature, rainfall, sea level rise, impact on fresh water resources, extreme weather events, flooding, drought in the north and increased health risk. The study reviews some existing literatures, information, policies, and data on climate change in Nigeria and its impact on the various sectors of the economy. The finding for this paper indicates that many sectors of Nigerian economy appear to be directly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change such as agricultural sector, health, energy, etc. This generally affects the growth of economy. The impacts of climate changed highlighted in this study raise the need for more support in research and education awareness on the impact of climate change in Nigeria. This review attempts to create awareness on the impacts of climate change in Nigeria and presents some policy recommendations for adaptation and mitigation measures to tackle the challenges.