The offensive tactics of basketball teams consist of a series of actions performed with the collaboration of two or more players on the court. The study aimed to determine the differences in the possessions and the points of the play-type statistics of the eight playoff teams and the other ten non-playoff teams of the 2020 to 2021 men's Euroleague season. The study sample consists of a total of 13,056 play types obtained through systematic observation methodology, which examined 272 matches involving 17 teams. Descriptive statistics and the Mann–Whitney U test was employed to obtain the findings. It was found that the catch'n & shoot, pick and roll ball handler are the most frequently used possessions and points that produced play-type statistics for all teams. Results showed that isolation (U = 3,7740.5; z = −3.93; p <.05) pick and roll handler's (U = 39,932; z = −2.91; p <.05), post-up (U = 39,878.5; z = −2.94; p <.05) and Screen-off possessions (U = 41,689; z = −2,107; p <.05) of the playoff teams were statistically higher than non-playoff teams. Positively significant differences were also observed in isolation (U = 38,172; z = −3,744; p <.05), pick and roll handler's (U = 40,278.5; z = −2,748; p <.05), post-up (U = 38,353.5; z = −3,659; p <.05), and Screen-off (U = 38,819.5; z = −3,434; p <.05) points of the playoff teams and non-playoff teams. These results show that playoff teams are prominent with the screen-off possessions and points as a team play, but post-ups, pick'n roll handlers selection, and catch'n shoot possessions and points are displayed by highly talented players. The findings may assist coaches and managers in roster building. Coaches might consider including these play-types in offensive sets and can create a more productive system. This understanding can be integrated into youth organizations' training programs to raise high-level players. Plain Language Summary: The Importance of Play Type Statistics in Men's Euroleague Basketball The offensive tactics of basketball teams consist of series of actions performed with the collaboration of two or more players on the court. These actions of the teams on the field are very important in terms of winning strategies. Recording these actions as box score is called play-type statistics. The study aimed to determine the differences in the possessions and the points of the play-type statistics of the eight playoff teams and the other ten non-playoff teams of the 2020-2021 mens Euroleague season. The data set consists of 13,056 play-types statistics were analysed by Mann–Whitney U test to determine the differences between the playoff and non-playoff teams. The catch & shoot, pick and roll ball handler are the most frequently used possessions and points that produced play-type statistics for all teams. Results showed that isolation pick and roll handler's, post-up and screen-off possessions of the playoff teams were statistically higher than non-playoff teams. Positively significant differences were also observed in isolation, pick and roll handler's, post-up, and screen-off points of the playoff teams and non-playoff teams. These results show that playoff teams are prominent with the screen-off possessions and points as a team-play, but post-ups, pick and roll handlers selection, and catch and shoot possessions and points are displayed by highly talented players. The findings may assist coaches and managers in roster building. Coaches might consider including these play-types in offensive sets and can create more productive systems. This understanding can be integrated into youth organizations' training programs to raise high-level players. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]