Background/objective: This paper will present a brief description of medicine in the Middle Ages, and more comprehensive analysis of the medical management of urolithiasis in Thesaurus Pauperum , the main text of Pedro Hispano., Method: An in-depth reading of the Italian translation of Thesaurus Pauperum , and a review of the literature of the life of Pedro Rebuli Guiliani, known as Pedro Hispano, was performed., Result: Pedro Hispano was born in Portugal around 1205. He studied philosophy, theology and medicine in Paris. He was named professor of medicine at the University of Siena in 1247 and was elected Pope, as John XXI, in 1276. His primary medical book was Thesaurus Pauperum ('Treasure of the Poor'), a prescription handbook for common diseases, directed not only to physicians but also to ordinary people. We focused on the description of medical management of urolithiasis in Thesaurus Pauperum ., Conclusion: This text is interesting not so much on account of the pharmacopoeia used, but instead, because it is, probably, one of the first medical text reporting therapeutics close to the modern evidence-based medicine.