Contents: R.E. Mayer, Introduction to Research on Teaching and Learning Computer Programming. D.H. Clements, S. Merriman, Componential Developments in LOGO Programming Environments. A.L. Fay, R.E. Mayer, Learning LOGO: A Cognitive Analysis. R. Lehrer, T. Guckenberg, L. Sancilio, Influences of LOGO on Children's Intellectual Development. J. Littlefield, V. Delclos, S. Lever, K.N. Clayton, J. Bransford, J.J. Franks, Learning LOGO: Method of Teaching, Transfer of General Skills, and Attitudes Toward Computers. E. Soloway, J. Spohrer, D. Littman, E UNUM PLURIBUS: Generating Alternative Designs. D.N. Perkins, S. Schwartz, R. Simmons, Instructional Strategies for the Problems of Novice Programmers. N.M. Webb, S. Lewis, The Social Context of Learning Computer Programming. K.D. Sloane, M.C. Linn, Instructional Conditions in Pascal Programming Classes. D. Sleeman, R.T. Putnam, J. Baxter, L. Kuspa, An Introductory Pascal Class: A Case Study of Students' Errors. S. McCoy Carver, Learning and Transfer of Debugging Skills: Applying Task Analysis to Curriculum Design and Assessment. R.H. Seidman, New Directions in Educational Computing Research.