
Showing total 14 results
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1. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change.

2. Against the proportionality principle: Experimental findings on bargaining over losses.

3. Youth and forecasting of sustainable development pillars: An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system approach.

4. Impact of a progressive stepped care approach in an improving access to psychological therapies service: An observational study.

5. The relative age effect in European elite soccer: A practical guide to Poisson regression modelling.

6. Relative age effect and second-tiers: No second chance for later-born players.

7. Flight capacities of yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax, Hymenoptera: Vespidae) workers from an invasive population in Europe.

8. Diet Quality Scores and Prediction of All-Cause, Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality in a Pan-European Cohort Study.

9. Prediction of Bladder Outcomes after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

10. Neighbourhood Walkability and Daily Steps in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.

11. Contrasting Role of Temperature in Structuring Regional Patterns of Invasive and Native Pestilential Stink Bugs.

12. Expert Opinions on Improving Femicide Data Collection across Europe: A Concept Mapping Study.

13. The Neolithic Demographic Transition in Europe: Correlation with Juvenility Index Supports Interpretation of the Summed Calibrated Radiocarbon Date Probability Distribution (SCDPD) as a Valid Demographic Proxy.

14. How Can Inequalities in Mortality Be Reduced? A Quantitative Analysis of 6 Risk Factors in 21 European Populations.