Given the limitations of traditional theater production processes, which heavily rely on expert experience and manual labor, the theater industry faces a pressing demand for a transition from a paradigm primarily rooted in individual expertise and traditional competencies to one that harnesses intelligent technology and data-driven approaches. This transition aims to enhance production and operational efficiency while elevating artistic expression to address the diverse preferences of audiences more effectively. Within this context, this paper proposes the concept of "parallel theaters", specifically designed to facilitate collaborative human-machine creativity and intelligent management across the entire theater workflow. By establishing a comprehensive theater model, creating a computational experimentation platform for theatrical art and enabling a virtual-to-real feedback loop, the "parallel theaters" contributes to the intelligent and automated design and execution of critical theater production and management aspects, such as script writing, stage design, performance coordination, audience engagement and marketing. In addition, the paper explores the potential cross-disciplinary applications of "parallel theaters" in education and psychotherapy, analyzing its ability to foster the integration of the theater industry with other fields, thereby expanding the influence of the performing arts. As an avant-garde model for theater creation and management, "parallel theaters" opens new avenues for the industry in the intelligence era, promising enhanced efficiency, enriched artistic expression and a more diverse audience engagement.