1. A Practical Approach to Diagnosing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Author
Ivica Grgurević
- Subjects
nealkoholna masna jetra ,debljina ,ciroza ,steatoza ,fibroza jetre ,metabolički sindrom ,neinvazivne metode ,elastografija ,Non-alcoholic fatty liver ,obesity ,liver cirrhosis ,steatosis ,fibrosis ,metabolic syndrome ,non-invasive methods ,elastography - Abstract
Dijagnoza bolesti nealkoholne masne jetre (engl. non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, NAFLD) počinje već na temelju kliničkih obilježja bolesnika. Tipičan rizični profil predstavlja bolesnik s prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom, pogotovo ako su tome pridruženi šećerna bolest tipa 2, arterijska hipertenzija i/ili hiperlipidemija, uz uvjet isključene rizične konzumacije alkohola. Postojanje masne jetre najčešće se utvrđuje ultrazvukom na kojem je jetra svjetlija (ehogenija) u odnosu na korteks bubrega. Ultrazvukom se ne može prepoznati blaže oblike steatoze kada je < 20 – 30 % hepatocita masno transformirano. Elastografskim metodama može se kvantificirati stupanj steatoze i stadij fibroze. Stadij fibroze je najznačajniji prognostički čimbenik, dok je značaj upalne aktivnosti dvojben, a stupanj steatoze ne utječe bitno na ishod bolesti jetre. Za neinvazivnu procjenu steatoze i fibroze koriste se i biokemijski testovi, od najjednostavnijih dobivenih iz rutinskih laboratorijskih nalaza do složenih koji uključuju cirkulirajuće makromolekule i komponente izvanstaničnoga matriksa. Neinvazivne metode su pouzdane za isključivanje ciroze, no imaju relativno skromnu pozitivnu prediktivnu vrijednost, jer često precjenjuju stadij fibroze i ne daju informaciju o aktivnosti upale. Objektivniju dijagnozu ovih histoloških komponenti i time pouzdanu prognostičku informaciju pruža biopsija jetre. Obradu bolesnika s NAFLD-om treba započeti na primarnoj razini zdravstvene zaštite jednostavnim biokemijskim testom (npr. FIB-4) kojim se isključuje značajna fibroza. U slučaju povišenih vrijednosti potreban je potvrdni test (najbolje elastografija). Ako taj nalaz isključi značajnu fibrozu, bolesnik ostaje u skrbi obiteljskoga liječnika, a u slučaju teške fibroze/ciroze bolesnik se nastavlja liječiti kod specijaliste. Na ovaj način za 80 % se smanjuje upućivanje bolesnika specijalisti, te za pet puta poboljšava otkrivanje značajne fibroze/ciroze., Diagnosing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) begins with analysing patient’s clinical features. The typical risk profile includes an overweight patient with comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and/or hyperlipidaemia, excluding harmful alcohol consumption. Ultrasonography is the most widely used diagnostic tool for detecting fatty liver, which has higher echogenicity, i.e. is lighter in colour, compared to renal cortex. However, ultrasound cannot detect mild steatosis where < 20 – 30% of hepatocytes have been infiltrated by fat. Elastographic methods are used for grading steatosis and staging fibrosis. Liver fibrosis stage is the most significant prognostic indicator. On the other hand, the relevance of inflammatory activity is questionable and the degree of steatosis has no significant impact on the outcome of the disease. Steatosis and fibrosis can be evaluated using non-invasive biochemical tests, ranging from simple routine laboratory tests to more complex tests that include circulating macromolecules and components of extracellular matrix. Non-invasive methods provide reliable results for the exclusion of cirrhosis; however, their positive predictive value is relatively modest, as they often over-estimate the fibrosis stage and provide no information on inflammatory activity. Liver biopsy provides a more objective diagnosis of the histological features and, as a result, a more reliable prognosis. The workup of NAFLD patients should start at the primary healthcare level, with simple biochemical tests such as FIB-4, which excludes significant fibrosis. Elevated results need to be additionally confirmed by another test, most preferably elastography. If this test excludes significant fibrosis, the patient remains under the care of a primary care physician, and if it detects severe fibrosis/cirrhosis, the patient is referred to specialist treatment. This pathway has resulted in an 80 % decrease in referrals to a specialist and a 5-fold improvement in the detection of significant fibrosis/cirrhosis.
- Published
- 2020