The article presents the report of the committee of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, on crime and immigration. The Executive Board of the Institute at the last annual meeting referred to this committee the following questions for investigation, and report: First: Do existing treaty provisions directly or by implication and interpretation sufficiently protect the alien's rights and remedies in the U.S.? Second: Do existing legal provisions, either in the statutes or in the treaties, sufficiently protect the U.S. from alien criminals? Third: Is it advisable to settle the status of the immigrant by international agreement?" Owing partly to the fact of the absence of the chairman of the committee in Europe, where he made study of Italian penal institutions, and largely to the impossibility of getting together a group of very busy men geographically scattered in different states, it has been impossible to prepare a committee's report as such, that is, a report which should embody the views of all or of a majority of the committee, whose membership is composed of men and women of very divers callings and of very divided opinions and convictions.