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1. The Four-Parameter PSS Method for Solving the Sylvester Equation

2. Why Improving the Accuracy of Exponential Integrators Can Decrease Their Computational Cost?

3. Numerical Solution of the Boundary Value Problems Arising in Magnetic Fields and Cylindrical Shells

4. Combining Polynomial Chaos Expansions and the Random Variable Transformation Technique to Approximate the Density Function of Stochastic Problems, Including Some Epidemiological Models

5. Dynamics of the Almost Periodic Discrete Mackey–Glass Model

6. Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Fredholm–Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind

7. Wavelet Numerical Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Equations with Homogeneous Boundary Conditions

8. Analysis of a New Nonlinear Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme on σ Quasi-Uniform Grids

9. Numerical Solution of Two Dimensional Time-Space Fractional Fokker Planck Equation With Variable Coefficients

10. A Functional Interpolation Approach to Compute Periodic Orbits in the Circular-Restricted Three-Body Problem

11. A Fourth Order Symplectic and Conjugate-Symplectic Extension of the Midpoint and Trapezoidal Methods

12. A Convergent Collocation Approach for Generalized Fractional Integro-Differential Equations Using Jacobi Poly-Fractonomials

13. On the Local Convergence of Two-Step Newton Type Method in Banach Spaces Under Generalized Lipschitz Conditions

14. On a Semilinear Parabolic Problem with Four-Point Boundary Conditions

15. Inverse Problem of Recovering the Initial Condition for a Nonlinear Equation of the Reaction–Diffusion–Advection Type by Data Given on the Position of a Reaction Front with a Time Delay

16. Contact Symmetries of a Model in Optimal Investment Theory

17. Quadrature Integration Techniques for Random Hyperbolic PDE Problems

18. Existence of Absolutely Continuous Fundamental Matrix of Linear Fractional System with Distributed Delays

19. Optimality Conditions for Group Sparse Constrained Optimization Problems

20. Matrix Method by Genocchi Polynomials for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations with Weakly Singular Kernels

21. The Inverse-Power Logistic-Exponential Distribution: Properties, Estimation Methods, and Application to Insurance Data

22. Local and Global Existence of Solution for Love Type Waves with Past History

23. A Class of Sixth Order Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Willmore Regularization in R3

24. Stochastic Aspects of Proportional Vitalities Model

25. On Semi-Analytical Solutions for Linearized Dispersive KdV Equations

26. The Odd Exponentiated Half-Logistic Exponential Distribution: Estimation Methods and Application to Engineering Data

27. General Local Convergence Theorems about the Picard Iteration in Arbitrary Normed Fields with Applications to Super–Halley Method for Multiple Polynomial Zeros

28. Second-Order Unconditionally Stable Direct Methods for Allen–Cahn and Conservative Allen–Cahn Equations on Surfaces

29. Analytical and Approximate Solution for Solving the Vibration String Equation with a Fractional Derivative

30. Connections between Weighted Generalized Cumulative Residual Entropy and Variance

31. Numerical Scheme for Solving Time–Space Vibration String Equation of Fractional Derivative

32. Unbiased Least-Squares Modelling

33. Construction of Different Types Analytic Solutions for the Zhiber-Shabat Equation

34. Convergence of Generalized Lupaş-Durrmeyer Operators

35. A Modified Ren’s Method with Memory Using a Simple Self-Accelerating Parameter

36. The Impact of the Discrepancy Principle on the Tikhonov-Regularized Solutions with Oversmoothing Penalties

37. A New Higher-Order Iterative Scheme for the Solutions of Nonlinear Systems

38. Numerical Approaches to Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: A Review

39. Extending the Applicability of Stirling’s Method

40. Viscosity Approximation Methods for a General Variational Inequality System and Fixed Point Problems in Banach Spaces

41. Duality for Unified Higher-Order Minimax Fractional Programming with Support Function under Type-I Assumptions

42. Approximate Solutions of Time Fractional Diffusion Wave Models

43. Inertial Method for Bilevel Variational Inequality Problems with Fixed Point and Minimizer Point Constraints

44. New Analytical Solutions for Time-Fractional Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piskunov Equation with Variety of Initial Boundary Conditions

45. Approximating Fixed Points of Bregman Generalized α-Nonexpansive Mappings

46. Fourier Truncation Regularization Method for a Three-Dimensional Cauchy Problem of the Modified Helmholtz Equation with Perturbed Wave Number

47. Some Properties and Generating Functions of Generalized Harmonic Numbers

48. Non-Parametric Threshold Estimation for the Wiener–Poisson Risk Model

49. Solution of Ambartsumian Delay Differential Equation with Conformable Derivative

50. Derivative Free Fourth Order Solvers of Equations with Applications in Applied Disciplines