Turner RC, Innis CJ, Stacy BA, Hernandez JA, Hill RC, Scott KC, Frasca S Jr, Garner MM, Burns RE, Arendt MD, Brisson J, Norton TM, Williams SR, Kennedy A, Alexander AB, and Stacy NI
The pathogenesis of steatitis that infrequently occurs in cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (KRT; Lepidochelys kempii ) has been undetermined. The objectives of this study were to investigate the clinical ( n = 23) and histologic findings ( n = 11) in cold-stunned KRT, and to compare plasma concentrations of α-tocopherol (vitamin E), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and the TBARS to vitamin E (T/E) ratio (an assessment of oxidative stress) between cold-stunned KRT with clinically and/or histologically confirmed steatitis ( n = 10) and free-ranging KRT ( n = 9). None of the cold-stunned turtles had clinically detectable steatitis at admission, and the median number of days to diagnosis of steatitis was 71 (range 33–469). Histologic findings of affected adipose tissue included heterophilic ( n = 9) and/or histiocytic ( n = 5) steatitis, fat necrosis ( n = 7), myonecrosis ( n = 2), and intralesional bacteria ( n = 6). Cold-stunned KRT had significantly lower plasma vitamin E concentrations (median = 3.5 nmol/g), lower plasma TBARS concentrations (median = 1.6 nmol/g), and higher T/E ratios (median = 0.50), than controls (62.3 nmol/g; 2.1 nmol/g; 0.03, respectively). These results suggest a multifactorial etiology for the development of steatitis in KRT during rehabilitation, including tissue injury, septicemia, and various factors resulting in imbalances of anti-/oxidative status. By highlighting the need to provide more effective vitamin E supplementation, and the need to re-assess specific components of the diet, this study may lead to reduced incidence and improved medical management of steatitis in cold-stunned sea turtles.