Immune checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionized care for many cancer indications, with considerable effort now being focused on increasing the rate, depth, and duration of patient response. One strategy is to combine immune strategies (for example, ctla-4 and PD-1/L1-directed agents) to harness additive or synergistic efficacy while minimizing toxicity. Despite encouraging results with such combinations in multiple tumour types, numerous clinical challenges remain, including a lack of biomarkers that reliably predict outcome, the emergence of therapeutic resistance, and optimal management of immune-related toxicities. Furthermore, the selection of ideal combinations from the myriad of immune, systemic, and locoregional therapies has yet to be determined. A longitudinal network-based approach could offer advantages in addressing those critical questions, including long-term follow-up of patients beyond individual trials. The molecular cancer registry Personalize My Treatment, managed by the Networks of Centres of Excellence nonprofit organization Exactis Innovation, is uniquely positioned to accelerate Canadian immuno-oncology (io) research efforts throughout its national network of cancer sites. To gain deeper insight into how a pan-Canadian network could advance research in io combinations, Exactis invited preeminent clinical and scientific advisors from across Canada to a roundtable event in November 2017. The present white paper captures the expert advice provided: leverage longitudinal patient data collection; facilitate network collaboration and assay harmonization; synergize with existing initiatives, networks, and biobanks; and develop an io combination trial based on Canadian discoveries., Competing Interests: CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES We have read and understood Current Oncology’s policy on disclosing conflicts of interest, and we declare the following interests outside the submitted work: VH is an employee of Exactis Innovation; RF is the ceo of Exactis Innovation; GB has received research funding from several pharmaceutical companies and is the cmo of Exactis Innovation; PKC has received fees as an advisory board member for Bristol–Myers Squibb, Merck, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Roche; HLM has received fees as an advisory board member for Merck, Spectrums, Syndax Pharmaceuticals, obi Pharma, Calithera, Roche, Lilly, Peregrine, TapImmune, Amgen, Puma, Pfizer, and Immunomedics, and has received research funding from Bristol–Myers Squibb, MedImmune, Ziopharm, Eli Lilly, and Merck; TMP has received advisory board member fees from Bristol–Myers Squibb, Merck, and Incyte, and a grant from Roche; RS has received honoraria from Pfizer, and honoraria or advisory board fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Roche, Lundbeck, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Merck, AbbVie, and Takeda; MFS has received honoraria from Amgen; JS is a permanent member of the scientific advisory board of Surface Oncology and owns stock in Surface Oncology; DJS has received honoraria or consulting or advisory board fees from Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Merck, AstraZeneca, Bristol–Myers Squibb, and Exactis, and scientific writing or clinical trials support from Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bristol–Myers Squibb, and Celgene; SV has received fees as an advisory board member for Amgen, Lilly, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Pfizer, and Roche, and is the co-founder and medical director of (uncompensated). BM, DM, and SSS have no conflicts of interest to disclose.