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1. Amazon Deforestation and Global Meat Consumption Trends: An Assessment of Land Use Change and Market Data from Rondônia That Shows Why We Should Consider Changing Our Diets.

2. Regional-Scale Assessment of Burn Scar Mapping in Southwestern Amazonia Using Burned Area Products and CBERS/WFI Data Cubes.

3. Amazonian Indigenous Artists as Agents of Interface: Artworks, Networks, and Curation Strategies in the COVID-19 Crisis.

4. Conflicts over Land as a Risk for Social-Ecological Resilience: A Transnational Comparative Analysis in the Southwestern Amazon.

5. Identifying Urban and Socio-Environmental Patterns of Brazilian Amazonian Cities by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning.

6. A Novel MQTT 5.0-Based Over-the-Air Updating Architecture Facilitating Stronger Security.

7. Multinomial Naive Bayesian Classifier Framework for Systematic Analysis of Smart IoT Devices.

8. Shedding Light on the Brazilian Amazon Biotrade: A Study on Sustainable Development in Native Communities.

9. Checklist and New Occurrences of Odonata (Insecta) from Volta Grande do Xingu, Pará, Brazil.

10. Forests and Farmers: GIS Analysis of Forest Islands and Large Raised Fields in the Bolivian Amazon.

11. Thirty-Five Years of Aerosol–PBAP in situ Research in Brazil: The Need to Think outside the Amazonian Box.

12. Navigating Socio-Political Threats to Amazonian Peatland Conservation: Insights from the Imiria Region, Peru.

13. Molecular and Phylogenetic Evidence of Interfamilial Transmission of HTLV-1 in the Afro-Descendant Community of São José de Icatú in the Brazilian Amazon.

14. Investigation of Mutations in the crt-o and mdr1 Genes of Plasmodium vivax for the Molecular Surveillance of Chloroquine Resistance in Parasites from Gold Mining Areas in Roraima, Brazil.

15. Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Extracts from Different Parts of the Paullinia cupana Kunth Plant: Characterization and In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity.

16. Participatory Action Research for Conservation and Development: Experiences from the Amazon.

17. Identifying Plausible Labels from Noisy Training Data for a Land Use and Land Cover Classification Application in Amazônia Legal.

18. A Review of the Nutritional Aspects and Composition of the Meat, Liver and Fat of Buffaloes in the Amazon.

19. Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Human Health in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa, and Amazonas, Brazil: A Narrative Review.

20. Food Systems and Access to Healthy Food in an Amazonian Context.

21. Exploring Patterns and Effects of Aerosol Quantity Flag Anomalies in MODIS Surface Reflectance Products in the Tropics.

22. Increase of Agribusiness in the Brazilian Amazon: Development or Inequality?

23. Measuring Tree Properties and Responses Using Low-Cost Accelerometers.

24. Progress in Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity over the Amazon Basin.

25. Analysis of the Impacts of Small-Scale LNG Projects for Energy Supply of the North Region of Brazil: The Case of Roraima.

26. Identification of Viruses in Molossus Bats from the Brazilian Amazon: A Descriptive Metagenomic Analysis.

27. Silent Intruder: Unusual Presentation of Neurocysticercosis in an HIV-Infected Patient from the Far Northern Brazilian Amazon.

28. Venom Composition of Neglected Bothropoid Snakes from the Amazon Rainforest: Ecological and Toxinological Implications.

29. Tenure Security and Land Appropriation under Changing Environmental Governance in Lowland Bolivia and Pará.

30. Genetic Diversity of Yuca (Manihot esculenta esculenta ; Cassava, Manioc), an Indigenous Crop in the Peruvian Amazon.

31. Revisiting Genetic Influence on Mercury Exposure and Intoxication in Humans: A Scoping Review.

32. Tropicohilara , a New Genus of Hilarini (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae) from Brazil, with Descriptions of Six New Species †.

33. Updated Land Use and Land Cover Information Improves Biomass Burning Emission Estimates.

34. Assessment of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration in an Urban Area Using Remote Sensing Products (CHIRP, CMORPH, and SSEBop): The Case of the Metropolitan Region of Belem, Amazon.

35. Global Sensitivity of Penman–Monteith Reference Evapotranspiration to Climatic Variables in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

36. The First Mitochondrial Genome of an Odonata Endemic to South America, Chalcopteryx rutilans (Rambur, 1842) (Odonata: Polythoridae), and Its Implications for the Phylogeny of the Zygoptera.

37. Bringing to Light the Potential of Angular Nighttime Composites for Monitoring Human Activities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.

38. Cultivated Manatee Meat Aiding Amazon Biodiversity Conservation: Discussing a Proposed Model.

39. Aspects of Sexuality in Quilombola Communities' Young Adults in Eastern Brazilian Amazon.

40. Spatial Distribution of Secondary Forests by Age Group and Biomass Accumulation in the Brazilian Amazon.

41. Importance of Protected Areas by Brazilian States to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon.

42. Indigenous-Amazonian Traditional Medicine's Usage of the Tobacco Plant: A Transdisciplinary Ethnopsychological Mixed-Methods Case Study.

43. Vitamin D Supply of Multivitamins Commercialized Online by Amazon in Western and Southern Europe: A Labeling Analysis.

44. Virtual Control Volume Approach to the Study of Climate Causal Flows: Identification of Humidity and Wind Pathways of Influence on Rainfall in Ecuador.

45. Temporal Anomalies in Burned Area Trends: Satellite Estimations of the Amazonian 2019 Fire Crisis.

46. Water and Sediment Budget of Casiquiare Channel Linking Orinoco and Amazon Catchments, Venezuela †.

47. Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.): Ancestral Tropical Staple with Future Potential.

48. On the Sensitivity of a Ground-Based Tropospheric Lidar to Aitken Mode Particles in the Upper Troposphere.

49. Deforestation Detection in the Amazon Using DeepLabv3+ Semantic Segmentation Model Variants.

50. Decreasing Deforestation in the Southern Brazilian Amazon--The Role of Administrative Sanctions in Mato Grosso State.