1. Hiralnica Vojnik in njeni oskrbovanci med 1924 in 1935
- Author
Steiner, Maruša and Selišnik, Irena
- Subjects
hiralnica ,Celje ,mortuary book ,oskrba revežev ,municipality care ,“hiralnica”/hospice ,hiravci ,mrliška knjiga ,udc:364.662-54(497.4Vojnik)"1924/1935" ,občinska oskrba ,ill people ,Vojnik ,care for the poor - Abstract
Hiralnice so bile v času 19. in 20. stoletja ustanove, ki so skrbele za revne, stare in onemogle ljudi, ki so bili neozdravljivo bolni ali pa niso več zmogli skrbet zase. Ljudem, ki so v njih živeli, večinoma niso imeli lastnih dohodkov, premoženja ter sorodnikov, ki bi lahko zanje poskrbeli ali jim plačali oskrbnino. Tako so stroški oskrbnin postali breme občin, ki so bile za oskrbovance pristojne. V nalogi se osredotočimo na razvoj in namen hiralnic, nadalje opišemo skrb za reveže v okviru mestne občine Celje, kako je potekalo financiranje in katere so bile finančne težave občine pri financiranju. V veliko pomoč so nam bili arhivski viri, ki so nam pomagali orisati stanje Celja in ljudi v času od konca 19. stoletja do tridesetih let 20. stoletja. Sledi zgodovina hiralnice v Vojniku, o njenih oskrbovancih pa dobimo predstavo s pomočjo analize mrliške knjige hiralnice v Vojniku, med letoma 1924 in 1935, ki nam da podatke o številu umrlih, njihovi starosti ter zapuščinah. "Hiralnice” were institutions in the 19th and 20th centuries that cared for the poor, old and weak people who were terminally ill or could no longer take care of themselves. The people who lived there, for the most part had no income of their own, no assets and no relatives who could take care of them and pay for their care home fee. That is how the cost of care home fees became a burden of the municipalities that were responsible for these people. In this diploma thesis we focus on the development and purpose of “hiralnica”, in continuation we describe the care of the poor within the municipality of Celje, how the funding was handled and what were the municipality’s financial problems in funding them. Archival sources were of great help to us in providing us outline of the state of Celje and its people from the end of the 19th century to the thirties of the 20th century. That is followed by the history of the “hiralnica” in Vojnik, were we can get an idea of their care homes with the help of the analysis of the mortuary book from the “hiralnice” in Vojnik, between the years 1924 and 1935, which gives us information on the number of the deceased, their ages and their legacies.
- Published
- 2022