Ashok K. Sood, Isaac Lund, Yash R. Puri, Harry Efstathiadis, Pradeep Haldar, Nibir K. Dhar, Jay Lewis, Madan Dubey, Eugene Zakar, Priyalal Wijewarnasuriya, Dennis L. Polla, and Michael Fritze
Graphene has amazing abilities due to its unique band structure characteristics de‐ fining its enhanced electrical capabilities for a material with the highest characteris‐ tic mobility known to exist at room temperature. The high mobility of graphene occurs due to electron delocalization and weak electron–phonon interaction, mak‐ ing graphene an ideal material for electrical applications requiring high mobility and fast response times. In this review, we cover graphene’s integration into infra‐ red (IR) devices, electro-optic (EO) devices, and field effect transistors (FETs) for ra‐ dio frequency (RF) applications. The benefits of utilizing graphene for each case are discussed, along with examples showing the current state-of-the-art solutions for these applications. Graphene has many outstanding properties due to its unique bonding and subse‐ quently band gap characteristics, having electronic carriers act as “massless” DiracFermions. The material characteristics of graphene are anisotropic, having phenomenal characteristic within a single sheet and diminished material character‐ istics between sheet with increasing sheet number and grain boundaries. We will discuss the integration of graphene into many electronic device applications. Graphene has the highest mobility values measured in a material at room tempera‐ ture, allowing integration into fast response time devices such as a high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) for RF applications. Graphene has shown promise in IR detectors by utilizing graphene in thermal-based detection applications.