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364 results

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1. Comparison of PID and EPID Controllers in Self Balancing Robot

2. Brunnstrom Stage Automatic Evaluation for Stroke Patients by Using Multi-Channel sEMG

3. A framework for closing the loop between human experts and computational algorithms for the assessment of movement disorders

4. Preliminary Design of an Active Stabilization Assistive Eating Device for People Living with Movement Disorders

5. A dementia classification framework using frequency and time-frequency features based on EEG signals

6. Brain age estimation from T1-weighted images using effective local features

7. Auditory-inspired speech envelope extraction methods for improved EEG-based auditory attention detection in a cocktail party scenario

8. Subthreshold linear modeling of dendritic trees: A computational approach

9. Saccadic Vector Optokinetic Perimetry (SVOP): A novel technique for automated static perimetry in children using eye tracking

10. Permittivity estimation for breast cancer detection using particle swarm optimization algorithm

11. Kalman filter-based time-varying cortical connectivity analysis of newborn EEG

12. Novel methods for estimating the ballistocardiogram signal using a simultaneously acquired electrocardiogram

13. An asymmetric approach to modeling ion channels using finite element analysis

14. Motion Artifact Reduction in Breast Dynamic Infrared Imaging

15. Image processing system for ultrasound images of the eye

16. Characterization of EEGs in Alzheimer's Disease using Information Theoretic Methods

17. Shape-based Matching of ECG Recordings

18. Effects of incompatible boundary information in EIT on the convergence behavior of an iterative algorithm

19. Further Development of Subspace Imaging to Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting: A Low-rank Tensor Approach

20. Surgical tool segmentation and localization using spatio-temporal deep network

21. Classifying cross-frequency coupling pattern in epileptogenic tissues by convolutional neural network

22. Weighted Transfer Learning of Dynamic Time Warped Data for Motor Imagery based Brain Computer Interfaces

23. Automatic Glaucoma Detection from Stereo Fundus Images

24. Detection of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury via Topological Graph Embedding and 2D Convolutional Neural Networks

25. Detection of Epileptic Seizures from Surface EEG Using Hyperdimensional Computing

26. Torque Estimation Using Neural Drive for a Concentric Contraction

27. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for ECG Arrhythmia Classification

28. Analysis and Classification of Sleep Stages Based on Common Frequency Pattern From a Single-Channel EEG Signal

29. A Two Cascaded Network Integrating Regional-based YOLO and 3D-CNN for Cerebral Microbleeds Detection

30. Automatic Frame Selection using CNN in Ultrasound Elastography

31. EEG- and EOG-based asynchronous hybrid BCI: A system integrating a speller, a web browser, an e-mail client, and a file explorer

32. Predicting Sleep Classification Performance without Labels

33. Automatic Parallel Detection of Neovascularization from Retinal Images Using Ensemble of Extreme Learning Machine

34. IMU Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Monitoring Knee Kinematics in ACL Reconstructed Patients

35. Applying Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Swallowing from Sound

36. Direct 4D PET reconstruction with discrete tissue types

37. Automatic Cough Detection in Acoustic Signal using Spectral Features

38. Fully-Automated Diagnosis of Aortic Stenosis Using Phonocardiogram-Based Features

39. Robust Beat-to-Beat Interval from Wearable PPG using RLS and SSA

40. Time Warping Solutions for Classifying Artifacts in EEG

41. Fully Automatic White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation using U-net and Skip Connection

42. EEG Signals Classification Using Machine Learning for The Identification and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

43. Feedback-based Self-improving CNN Algorithm for Breast Cancer Lymph Node Metastasis Detection in Real Clinical Environment

44. 3D Ultrasound Spine Image Selection Using Convolution Learning-to-Rank Algorithm

45. Comparing Different Methods of Hand-crafted HRV, EDR and CPC Features for Sleep Apnoea Detection

46. Hybridizing EMD with cICA for fMRI Analysis of Patient Groups

47. Glaucoma Assessment from OCT images using Capsule Network

48. An SSVEP-BCI in Augmented Reality

49. An Unobtrusive Stress Recognition System for the Smart Office

50. Kernel-Based Reconstruction of C-11-Hydroxyephedrine Cardiac PET Images of the Sympathetic Nervous System