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1. Combining Optical Character Recognition With Paper ECG Digitization

2. Human Gait Analysis in Neurodegenerative Diseases: a Review

3. Brunnstrom Stage Automatic Evaluation for Stroke Patients by Using Multi-Channel sEMG

4. Understanding patient complaint characteristics using contextual clinical BERT embeddings

5. Smoothed arg max Extreme Learning Machine: An Alternative to Avoid Classification Ripple in sEMG Signals

6. A framework for closing the loop between human experts and computational algorithms for the assessment of movement disorders

7. Voice Control Interface Prototype for Assistive Robots for People Living with Upper Limb Disabilities

8. Preliminary Design of an Active Stabilization Assistive Eating Device for People Living with Movement Disorders

9. A dementia classification framework using frequency and time-frequency features based on EEG signals

10. Brain age estimation from T1-weighted images using effective local features

11. SVM classifier on chip for melanoma detection

12. Auditory-inspired speech envelope extraction methods for improved EEG-based auditory attention detection in a cocktail party scenario

13. Double sensor complementary placement method to reduce motion artifacts in PPG using fast independent component analysis

14. Detection of motion and posture change using an IR-UWB radar

15. Training Recurrent Neural Networks With the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Optimal Control of a Grid-Connected Converter

16. Estimation of a large-scale generalized Volterra model for neural ensembles with group lasso and local coordinate descent

17. Automatic detection of small bowel tumors in endoscopic capsule images by ROI selection based on discarded lightness information

18. QRS complex detection in ECG signal for wearable devices

19. Analytical model for real time, noninvasive estimation of blood glucose level

20. A curvelet-based morphological segmentation of abdominal CT images

21. Multi dose Computed Tomography image fusion based on hybrid sparse methodology

22. Computationally efficient QRS detection analysis based on dual-slope method

23. Saccadic Vector Optokinetic Perimetry (SVOP): A novel technique for automated static perimetry in children using eye tracking

24. Online LS-SVM based multi-step prediction of physiological tremor for surgical robotics

25. Research on 2D representation method of wireless Micro-Ball endoscopic images

26. High resolution wireless body area network with statistically synchronized sensor data for tracking pulse wave velocity

27. Human action recognition using Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

28. Permittivity estimation for breast cancer detection using particle swarm optimization algorithm

29. A 64-channel neural signal processor/ compressor based on Haar wavelet transform

30. Kalman filter-based time-varying cortical connectivity analysis of newborn EEG

31. Reinforcement learning via kernel temporal difference

32. TumorML: Concept and requirements of an in silico cancer modelling markup language

33. Development of an evaluation function for eye-hand coordination robotic therapy

34. A simple yet effective data integration approach to tree-based microarray data classification

35. Space-Time Independent Component Analysis: The definitive BSS technique to use in biomedical signal processing?

36. Optimization of MFCC parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization for diagnosis of infant hypothyroidism using Multi- Layer Perceptron

37. Autonomous Robot for Removing Superficial Traumatic Blood

38. Novel methods for estimating the ballistocardiogram signal using a simultaneously acquired electrocardiogram

39. Motion Artifact Reduction in Breast Dynamic Infrared Imaging

40. Image processing system for ultrasound images of the eye

41. A Semi-Automatic Clustering-Based Level Set Method for Segmentation of Endocardium from MSCT Images

42. Characterization of EEGs in Alzheimer's Disease using Information Theoretic Methods

43. Shape-based Matching of ECG Recordings

44. Segmentation and Landmark Identification in Infrared Images of the Human Body

45. Enhanced Hybrid Electromyogram / Eye Gaze Tracking Cursor Control System for Hands-Free Computer Interaction

46. Complete Scanpaths Analysis Toolbox

47. A Kernel-Based Approach for User-Guided Fiber Bundling using Diffusion Tensor Data

48. Modeling and inference of multisubject fMRI data

49. Automatic Detection of Pain from Facial Expressions: A Survey

50. Robot Assisted Instantaneous Heart Rate Estimator using Camera based Remote Photoplethysmograpy via Plane-Orthogonal-to-Skin and Finite State Machine