
Showing total 124 results
124 results

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1. Rebuttal of Donnelly's paper on the spectral gap

2. The complex case of Schmidt's going-down Theorem

3. A note on additive properties of dense subsets of sifted sequences

4. The Monge problem in $ {\mathbb{R}^d} $ : Variations on a theme

5. On displacement interpolation of measures involved in Brenier’s theorem

6. Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups

7. On connectedness of sets in the real spectra of polynomial rings

8. Pointwise Trichotomy for Skew-Evolution Semiflows on Banach Spaces

9. Isometric embeddings of subidivided complete graphs in the hypercube

10. On the complexity of Putinar's Positivstellensatz

11. Error bounds for convex differentiable inequality systems in Banach spaces

12. Phase transition for parking blocks, Brownian excursion and coalescence

13. Tower power for $S$-adics

14. Kernels of conditional determinantal measures and the Lyons–Peres completeness conjecture

15. Complexity of two-dimensional bootstrap percolation difficulty: algorithm and NP-hardness

16. On the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem in Graphs without Induced Cycles of Length at Least Five


18. On a new method for controlling the entire spectrum in the problem of column subset selection

19. On values taken by the largest prime factor of shifted primes

20. Variance of the volume of random real algebraic submanifolds II

21. Hensel's Lemma for general continuous fuctions

22. Values of globally bounded G-functions

23. Han's conjecture and Hochschild homology for null-square projective algebras

24. Reversibility and further properties of FCFS infinite bipartite matching

25. Sliding Presentation of the Jeux de Taquin for Classical Lie Groups

26. Invariant measures for Cartesian powers of Chacon infinite transformation

27. Formal Geometric Quantization III, Functoriality in the spin-c setting

28. On the linear independence of shifted powers

29. Universal quantum computing and three-manifolds

30. Fixed points of n-valued maps on surfaces and the Wecken property – a configuration space approach

31. The Salesman's Improved Tours for Fundamental Classes

32. Surfaces of minimal degree of tame representation type and mutations of Cohen–Macaulay modules

33. Abelian and metabelian quotient groups of surface braid groups

34. Choquet representability of submodular functions

35. Independence of the Zeros of Elliptic Curve L-Functions over Function Fields

36. CLT for random walks of commuting endomorphisms on compact abelian groups

37. Continuous functions on the plane regular after one blowing-up

38. Regularity and Free Resolution of Ideals Which Are Minimal To $d$-Linearity

39. Construction of μ -normal sequences

40. Brownian Paths Homogeneously Distributed in Space: Percolation Phase Transition and Uniqueness of the Unbounded Cluster

41. A class of almost $C_0({\cal K})$-C*-algebras

42. Characterisation of sets of limit measures of a cellular automaton iterated on a random configuration

43. Ihara's lemma and level rising in higher dimension

44. Extremal extension for m-jets of one variable with range in a Hilbert space

45. Strong Invariance Principles with Rate for 'Reverse' Martingale Differences and Applications

46. Necessary Conditions for Tractability of Valued CSPs

47. Matroid Toric Ideals: Complete Intersection, Minors, and Minimal Systems of Generators

48. Did Euclid need the Euclidean algorithm to prove unique factorization?

49. Markov–Bernstein and Landau–Kolmogorov type inequalities in several variables for the Hermite and closely connected measures

50. Comparison of measures of totally positive polynomials