Mézière, D., Bachevillier, Y., Carlier, B., Grandgirard, D., Liagre, F., and Dupraz, C.
Poster Facing new challenges of agriculture, the research for more sustainable agrosystems includes a growing interest in agroforestry practices. Over the past years, a large number of experimental and demonstration plots have been established all around France. However, coordination between research and extension partners is lacking. In order to support innovations in agriculture, the French government encourages partnership between research, development and education stakeholders, through the creation of Mixed Technological Networks (Réseaux Mixtes Technologiques, RMT). These RMTs benefit from national recognition and receive a grant for network coordination and communication. In 2014, a new network was created: the RMT “AgroforesterieS” brings together about fifty members involved in agroforestry, from research, semi-public and associative farmers’ organizations, technical institutes, engineering offices, and agricultural schools. By sharing expertise, databases and demonstration sites, the network aims at (i) promoting collective dynamics for the development of sustainable and innovative agroforestry systems adapted to the French territorial constraints, and (ii) developing technical and methodological tools for the setting up and management of agroforestry systems. It will particularly achieve these by: 1. Creating an observatory of agroforestry practices, including both experimental and commercial sites, in order to provide technical references for farmers; 2. Carrying out a multicriteria assessment of agroforestry systems, in terms of economical, technical, agronomical and environmental performances, as well as adoption factors; 3. Ensuring the coordination of scientific and technical stakeholders in order to initiate new collectively-thought projects of research and development in agroforestry; 4. Developing and/or improve decision support tools for farmers and land managers for the design and management of agroforestry systems; 5. Drawing up a strategy for knowledge diffusion towards future advisors, learners, and users.