This article presents an interview with director Spike Lee on homophobia, queer bashing, gay parenting and She Hate Me, his winning lesbian comedy. In the movie, John Henry "Jack" Armstrong is an executive who blows the whistle on his corporation, loses all his money overnight and winds up doing business with his ex-girlfriend, Fatima and her lesbian lover, Alex. The two want to get pregnant, and they are willing to pay Jack $10,000 each for the privilege. Soon Jack is servicing a string of lesbians and wondering what kind of man he really is. Lee wanted to have a more personal story, so he came up with a guy who was involved in this business venture to impregnate lesbians. Lee was not saying, nor does the film say, that impregnating lesbians is unethical and immoral. He said that an alarming number of African American women have been infected with HIV from their husbands and boyfriends, women who had no idea that these guys were having unprotected sex with other men. The stigma is so great that these men have convinced themselves they are not homosexuals. In order to ease the stigma that many African-Americans place on being a homosexual, it has to start in the church, which has always been the backbone of the African-American community.