1. Vjera i smisao kršćanske ženidbe u krizi
- Author
Anton Tamarut
- Subjects
faith ,marriage ,crisis ,gift ,grace ,conversion ,man – image of God ,Church ,vjera ,ženidba ,kriza ,dar ,milost ,obraćenje ,čovjek – slika Božja ,Crkva ,crkvenost - Abstract
Vjera i smisao kršćanske ženidbe u uzajamnom su uzročno-posljedičnom odnosu. Bez vjere kršćanska ženidba gubi svoj smisao i značenje, a s druge strane kršćanska ženidba pokazuje svu životnost i dinamiku vjere, njezin istinski i pravi smisao i značenje, konačnu svrhu i cilj. Iz takve životne povezanosti razumljivo je da se kriza vjere odražava na krizu kršćanske ženidbe, odnosno da se u krizi smisla kršćanske ženidbe ogleda kriza vjere. Kako vjera tako i kršćanska ženidba, koja se na vjeri temelji i njome hrani, odvijaju se u životnim odnosima i neizbježnim promjenama, nisu statične nego dinamične i rastuće veličine te ih na svoj način prati stalna kriza na koju je potrebno odgovoriti stalnim obraćenjem i obnovom, uz trajnu težnju k sve dubljoj i cjelovitoj vjeri (usp. Kol 2,2). Stoga buđenje vjere i odgoj za zrelu vjeru i danas predstavlja najvažniji element cjelokupne priprave za kršćansku ženidbu. O vjeri je potrebno govoriti u vidu dara i susreta, povjerenja i suradnje, o braku kao životnom prostoru vjere prožete odgovornom, snažnom i nježnom ljubavlju. U ženidbenom pastoralu važno mjesto treba imati dugotrajno, ustrajno i domišljato odgajanje za crkvenost jer bez stvarnog i pravog doživljavanja Crkve, bez razumijevanja njezine prave naravi i njezina poslanja u svijetu teško se može zamisliti pravi i stvaran smisao kršćanske ženidbe. Što se zapravo misli pod vjenčanjem u crkvi? Misli li se tu tek na materijalni, sakralni crkveni prostor ili na živu i duhovnu zajednicu vjere? Na Crkvu, Kristovo otajstveno tijelo?! Odgovor je na to pitanje ključan, kao što je bitno da postoji Crkva s obiteljskim licem u kojoj će se mladi supružnici moći s lakoćom udomiti te iznutra izgrađivati svoju obitelj kao kućnu Crkvu., The faith and the meaning of the Christian marriage are in a mutual relationship of cause and effect. Without faith, the Christian marriage loses its meaning and sense, while the Christian marriage shows the vitality and the dynamics of faith, its true and genuine sense and meaning, final goal and purpose. The crisis of faith in this vital relationship is reflected in the crisis of the Christian marriage, i.e. the crisis of the meaning of the Christian marriage reflects the crisis of faith. The faith and the Christian marriage, which is founded and nurtured by faith, take place in relationships and unavoidable changes of life, they are not static, but dynamic and growing, always facing a crisis that needs a constant answer of conversion and renewal, with a permanent aspiration for a more profound and wholesome faith (Col 2,2). Therefore, the awakening of faith and the education of a mature faith is the most important part of the preparation for a Christian marriage. Faith must be exposed as a gift and encounter, confidence and collaboration. The marriage is the vital space of the faith, permeated by the responsible, strong and tender love. In the pastoral care of the marriage, an important place should be given to the lifelong, persistent and creative education for the Church life, for without the true and genuine acceptance of the Church, without understanding of its true nature and its mission, the true and genuine meaning of the Christian marriage cannot be understood. What do we mean by “wedding in the church”? Do we consider only the material, sacral space of the church, or the living and spiritual community of faith? The Church, the mystical body of Christ? The answer to this question is crucial. Just as it is important that there is a Church with a family semblance, where the young spouses can easily find a home, and build their family from within as a house Church.
- Published
- 2016