
Showing total 14 results
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1. Do internal labour markets protect the unskilled from low payment? Evidence from Germany.

2. A case study of the German archives' labor market in 2019.

3. Risks in the labor market and social insurance preferences: Germany and the USA.

4. A case study of the German archives' labor market in 2019.

5. Resisting the crisis: short-time work in Germany.

6. The threat effect of participation in active labor market programs on job search behavior of migrants in Germany.

7. Escaping low pay: do male labour market entrants stand a chance?

8. Estimating the macroeconomic effects of active labour market policies using spatial econometric methods.

9. Sectoral collective agreements: remuneration straitjackets for German workplaces?

10. Reasons for part-time work: an empirical analysis for Germany and The Netherlands.

11. Intensified activation for disadvantaged welfare recipients in Germany: does it work?

12. The welfare use of immigrants and natives in Germany: the case of Turkish immigrants.

13. PASS: a new panel study for labour market research.

14. Competences as the foundation of employability: a qualitative study of German freelancers.