A new cycloartane triterpenoid glycoside has been isolated from the rhizomes of Cimicifuge foetida L. The spectroscopic characteristics of the new compound are different from previously described cycloartane triterpenoids because of the loss of the 24-isopropyl group as well as the presence of a 11β-OH group. Based on spectroscopic evidence, including a series of 2D-NMR analyses, the structure of the new triterpene is assigned as 24-des-isopropyl-7-ene-23-one-9,19;16,24-dicycloart-3β,11β,16α,24α-tetraol 3-O-β- d -xylopryanoside , named here as neocimiside. The structure of the aglycone of neocimiside was confirmed by X-ray analysis.