The European Society of Mastology was conceived on lines which differ from the traditional concept of scientific societies. Consisting of 10 study groups, each of which deals with different aspects and problems involved in breast cancer, the Society aims to discuss controversial topics across the board, thereby involving all those throughout Europe interested in contributing to the debate. After having established a preliminary structure of groups each with its own Chairman, Core Group and prospective members, the Society planned its First International Conference on the 12th and 13th of March, 1991. Over 700 participants attended the two-day meeting and joined in intense discussion and activities of a variety of topics. within Study Group meetings, and general sessions. The aims of the Conference were to cover the principle themes relative to Breast Cancer and prepare guidelines and more up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic protocols for distribution, so that they may be used throughout Europe. The Conference also provided an educational update with presentations by invited speakers and some Chairman of the Study Groups. In the Plenary Session, Dr. Peter Boyle, Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the European Institute of Oncology, and Chairman of the Epidemiology & Prevention Group. reviewed Epidemiology and Risk Factors. Dr. Peter Maguire, Chairman of the Rehabilitation & Counselling Group covered the need for improving psychological care. New advances in the molecular Biology of Breast Cancer were presented by Dr. William Gullick. Chairman of the Biology & Immunology Group. The Role of the Pathologist in the Definition of New Prognostic Factors was discussed by Professor Franc0 Rilke from the National Cancer Institute of Milan. The programme also included a workshop on Early Detection, coordinated by Dr. Stefano Ciatto from the Oncological Prevention Centre in Florence, who is Chairman of the Detection & Diagnosis Group. The Conference was brought to a close by Professor Michael Baum from the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, and Vice-President of the Society, who entertained the participants and speakers alike, with a witty and fascinating lecture on Breast Cancer in the Year 2000. In summing up, Professor Umberto Veronesi, Director of the National Cancer Institute in Milan, and President of EUSOMA, outlined the prospects for European cancer patients under the heading of Future Developments. The most stimulating part of the Conference from the point of view of the aims of the Society was. however, the time dedicated to the Study Groups, who were meeting for the first time. On both days, sufficient time was allocated to each group, and reports were drawn up by the Chairmen. Subsequently, these reports have been collected and published in the form of a booklet which has been sent to all members of the society. A second major step was the adoption by the Society of a new Journal entitled The Breast. launched in the Spring of 1992. It was deemed appropriate that a Society dealing with an organ specific disease should have an organ specific Journal. It is clear that each Group within the Society will not be able to have a specitic meeting on a regular basis, and it was felt that communication with these members through the journal was a good way of reminding members of their association with the Society. The editor of the journal, Mr. Michael Dixon, is seeking good quality papers for publication. From March 1992 each paying member of EUSOMA will receive The Breast, the price of the subscription is included in the 60 ECU annual membership fee of the Society. The study groups have been active since the first EUSOMA conference, Dr. Gullick held a most interesting meeting of the Biology & Immunology Core Group, in London at the end of 199 1, a report of which was published in the June issue of The Bt-ectst. During the same month. Dr. Peter Maguire also held a meeting of the Rehabilitation & Counselling Core Group. During 1992, Dr Peter Boyle will be holding a meeting of the Epidemiology & Prevention Core Group in Milan and Dr. Petit is organising a meeting of the Reconstructive