Purpose/Objective(s): Ipilimumab is an immunostimulatory anti-CTLA 4 antibody that has been shown to improve survival in patients with metastatic melanoma. Unfortunately, 10-15% of patients treated with ipilimumab develop hypophysitis, which is often treated with systemic steroids or ipilimumab cessation or dose reduction. As these treatments are not optimal for patients who may be responding to ipilimumab, we present here our initial experience treating ipilimumab-induced hypophysitis with low-dose conformal radiation therapy. Materials/Methods: This is a single institution retrospective review of metastatic melanoma patients with ipilimumab-induced hypophysitis who were treated with low-dose pituitary radiation therapy. All patients had biochemical evidence of pituitary dysfunction and MRI features of hypophysitis, including diffuse pituitary enlargement and enhancement. Radiation therapy was linear accelerator-based and consisted of three daily 150 cGy fractions delivered using 6or 15-MV photons. The PTV consisted of the pituitary gland and a 0.5-1 cm margin, which was treated via a three or five field conformal plan. A thermoplastic mask was employed for immobilization. Clinical follow-up as well as preand post-treatment MRIs were used to evaluate treatment efficacy, with pituitary volumes calculated using the volumetric formula for an ellipsoid (4/3 x p x R1 x R2 x R3). Mean preand post-radiation therapy pituitary volumes were compared using the Student’s t-test. Results: Between September 10, 2010 and February 24, 2012, seven patients (3 women, 4 men) with a median age of 65 years (range, 39-88) were treated. At a median follow-up of 31 weeks (range, 1-77), no patients experienced acute radiation therapy toxicity or developed new symptoms following treatment. Mean preand post-radiation therapy pituitary volumes were 796.7 (range, 433.1-962.5) and 380.8 (range, 266.8-569.7) mm, respectively (p Z 0.005). Radiation therapy was delivered over a median of 5 days (range, 3-5) and without interruption in any patient. All patients who presented with generalized symptoms of fatigue, anorexia, and headache reported symptomatic improvement following treatment. Every patient who presented with a hormonal deficiency had persistent endocrine dysfunction at last follow-up. Conclusion: Low-dose conformal radiation therapy results in significant clinical improvement and radiographic response in patients with ipilimumab-induced hypophysitis, although there is no amelioration of endocrine dysfunction following treatment. This treatment represents a promising therapeutic option for patients with ipilimumab-induced hypophysitis whose survival may be adversely affected by treatment with systemic steroids or interference of ipilimumab administration. Additional exploration and follow-up is necessary to determine whether early treatment initiation can reverse endocrine dysfunction. Author Disclosure: P.L. Menzel: None. A. Geng: None. C. Marquez: None. M. Scala: None. D. Minor: None. R. Abendroth: None.