Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium glaucum L. are two widely distributed destructive weeds. Their strong adaptability and massive seed production make them the hardest weeds to deal with. This present study intended to investigate the effect of leachate from Eupatorium adenophorum on the growth of these weeds and explore the potential to develop an environmental friendly strategy to use the leach- ate to control the weeds. Seeds of A. retroflexus L. and C. glaucum L. were soaked in solutions containing 0%, 0.6%, 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5% leachate from E. adenophorum leaves. A. retroflexus and C. glaucum seedlings grown in pots were sprayed with leachate solutions in the same concentration range. The effects of these leachate solutions on membrane permeability and germination of seeds, and growth and physiological characteristics of the seedlings were investigated. The highest concentration of leachate (5%) caused significant damage to the cell membrane of seeds of both weed species, whereas lower concentrations (0.6%) promoted repair of the membrane system, as reflected by higher and lower than control in relative conductivity (RC), respec- tively. Different concentrations of leachate showed distinct allelopathic inhibitory effects on the two weed species; lower concentrations showed weak inhibitory or even positive effects, whereas higher con- centrations showed stronger inhibitory effects. Higher concentrations of leachate (2.5% and 5%) delayed germination and significantly decreased the emergence rate of the seeds, survival rate, and dry matter accumulation of the seedlings. When treated by 5% leachate, the emergence date of A. retroflexus was delayed by 3.6 d, emergence rate of the seeds and survival rate was 69.1% and 70.6% of the control, respectively, seedling dry matter was 48.6% less than the control; In the case of C. glaucum, the emergence date was delayed by 2.7 d, emergence rate of the seeds and survival rate was 45.1% and 58.6% of the con- trol, respectively, seedling dry matter was 44.7% less than the control. There were significant interactions among the different concentrations of leachate and the length of treatment period with respect to activ- ities of antioxidant enzymes, malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, and chlorophyll contents. Seedlings trea- ted with 0.6%, 1.25%, or 2.5% leachate solution for 24-72 h showed increased superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) activities. When seedlings were treated with leachate solu- tions for 96 h, antioxidant enzyme activities and chlorophyll content decreased in A. retroflexus, but only CAT activity decreased in C. glaucum. When seedlings of the two weed species were treated with 5% leachate solution, CAT activity and chlorophyll content decreased and MDA content gradually increased with longer treatment times (from 24 to 96 h). The two weed species showed different allelopathic responses to E. adenophorum; A. retroflexus was more sensitive than C. glaucum. Based on the investigation, it could be speculated that the delayed germination and low germination rate of the weeds after treatment by leachate could be due to the fact that leachate damaged the membrane sys- tem of the seeds. By delaying germination, lowering the germination rate of the weeds and inhibiting seed- ling growth, leachate from E. adenophorum could provide an effective way of controlling the weeds.