AGP is the acronym of APPIA, GULP, and PRODE: respectively, the Portuguese association for Artificial Intelligence, and the associations for Logic and Declarative Programming of Italy and Spain. The three associations have obviously separate lives, and independently started their own annual conferences several years ago. More precisely, the first GULP conference took place in Genova in 1986, followed by the meetings held in Torino, Roma, Bologna, Padova, Pisa, Tremezzo, and Gizzeria Lido from 1987 to 1993. PRODE conferences were held in Torremolinos (1991), then in Madrid (1992) and Blanes (1993). Since 1985, APPIA has been sponsoring the Portuguese conference EPIA-Encontro Portugues de Inteligencia Artificial, whose last meetings took place in Funchal, Madeira (1995), Coimbra (1997), and Evora (1999). APPIA, GULP, and PRODE finally joined their efforts with the aim of creating a wider forum where to friendly share new ideas and spread results among researchers in the area of Declarative Programming from countries that are very close under many respects — the common latin root of languages among the main one. First, GULP and PRODE joined together in 1994 at Peniscola (Spain), and then in 1995 in Marina di Vietri (Italy). Then, the first APPIA-GULP-PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming took place in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain, 1996), and then in Grado (Italy, 1997), La Coruna, (Spain, 1998), and L'Aquila (Italy, 1999). It was in L'Aquila, finally, during the social dinner of AGP'99, where the idea of extending AGP to Latin America, and to organise AGP 2000 in La Habana (Cuba) was first proposed — and the idea was soon well-liked by everybody. The natural beauty and the history of Cuba seemed to offer an irresistible attraction and surely a strong goad to partecipate. The conference took place in December 4-6, 2000 at the Universidad de La Habana in a munificient palace, and it was really a great success, also thanks to the perfect local organisation. Researchers came to La Habana from Portugal, Italy, and Spain, but also from Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, Mexico, and even from USA, daring the embargo. We had the pleasure to listen to the invited talks by Maurice Bruynooghe, Tomas Eiter, Thom Fruehwirth, and James B. Lipton. We wish here to thank all of them, and we are also glad that one of them also contributed, with a regular referred paper to this volume. This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the conference, extended and revised for this volume. The call for papers attracted 36 submissions, each of them reviewed by at least three experts. Among the papers accepted for the conference, we selected 13 original papers following both the rewiever ratings and feedbacks from discussions at the conference. Selected contributions were extended and revised by the authors and organized into three groups: • Theoretical Issues in Logic Language ◦ Layered map reasoning: An experimental approach put to trial onsets by Andrea Formisano, Eugenio G. Omodeo, Marco Temperini. ◦ Operational Semantics for Reexecution-based Analysis of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations by Agostino Cortesi, Sabina Rossi, Baudouin Le Charleir ◦ Correct Answers for First Order Logic by Gianluca Amato ◦ On the Relations between Disjunctive and Linear Logic Programming by Marco Bozzano, Giorgio Delzanno, Maurizio Martelli • Program Analysis and Verification ◦ Refining and Compressing Abstract Model Checking by Agostino Dovier, Roberto Giacobazzi, Elisa Quintarelli ◦ Probabilistic Confinement in a Declarative Framework by Alessandra Di Pierro, Chris Hankin, Herbert Wiklicky ◦ Logic programs as specifications in the inductive verification of logic programs by Marco Comini, Roberta Gori, Giorgio Levi ◦ On the Number of Rule Applications in Constraint Programs by Thom Fruehwirth • Logics for Interaction, Concurrency, and Coordination ◦ Design for AJACS, yet another Java Constraint Programming framework by Ligia Ferreira, Salvador Abreu ◦ Formal ReSpecT by Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti ◦ Modeling concurrent systems specified in a Temporal Concurrent Constraint language—I by Moreno Falaschi, Alberto Policriti, Alicia Villanueva. ◦ Agent Coordination by Constraint optimisation by Sascha Ossowski ◦ Probabilistic behaviours of reactive agents by Antonio Brogi The first is traditionally one of the most prominent research issue in Declarative Programming. The other two fields represent, in our opinion, two of the most promising directions in the Declarative Programming area. First of all we wish to thank Mike Mislove and Catuscia Palamidessi for their prompt and encouraging positive response. Also, it is mandatory to thank all the people that made the conference possible: the local Program Chair Luciano Garcia, the organizing committee, the program committee, and the anonymous referees. In particular we would like to thank all the members of the program committee for their contribution to the control of the scientific level of the conference: Joaquim Aparicio, Puri Arenas-Sanchez, Roberto Bagnara, Pedro Barahona, Michele Bugliesi, Marco Cadoli, Domenico Cantone, Carlos Damasio, Giorgio Delzanno, Alessandra Di Pierro, Agostino Dovier, Jose Antonio Frias, Laura Giordano, Victor Gulias, Miguel Katrib, Jim Lipton, Salvador Lucas Alba, Julio Marino, Juan J. M. Navarro, Alberto Oliart Lania, Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski, Olga Padron, Manuel Palomar, Luis M. Pereira, Ernesto Pimentel, Elvira Pino, Salvador Pinto Abrei, Alberto Policriti, Maurizio Proietti, Fernando Saenz Perez, Maria Sessa, Fernando Silva, and Miguel Toro. A particular “grazie” is due to Gianluca Amato and Francesca Scozzari for their unvaluable contribution to the creation and maintenance of the AGP'00 Web site, and to the electronic management of the revision process. Finally, it is bound to happen that we thank Federica, Giulia, and Enea for their continuous putting pressure on us for we hurried in concluding this volume as soon as possible. Verona, L'Aquila, Bologna - April 16, 2001 Agostino Dovier, Maria Chiara Meo, Andrea Omicini