The collapse of phospholipid asymmetry across membrane bilayers mediates the physiologic processes of cell activation and apoptosis [1,2], whereas a failure to regulate transbilayer lipid movement is associated with a variety of pathologic conditions [3]. The terms ‘flippase’, ‘floppase’, and ‘scramblase’ refer to membrane transporter activities responsible for inward, outward, and bidirectional lipid movement; however, the biologic basis and regulation of these activities is not yet fully understood [4,5]. Scott syndrome (OMIM: 262890), a rare hemostatic defect characterized by an inability of stimulated platelets to externalize phosphatidylserine (PS), provides a unique tool to study cell membrane lipid handling. Heterozygosity for a novel missense mutation in the lipid translocator, adenosine triphosphate binding cassette 1 (ABCA1), was recently described in a Scott syndrome patient [6]. A paucity of cases, however, hinders genetic and platelet function studies to further define how this mutant protein contributes to expression of the Scott platelet phenotype. Spontaneous mutations of ABCA1 and targeted disruption of the murine gene produce the clinical phenotype Tangier disease (OMIM: 2054000) primarily characterized by a lack of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and accumulation of lipid within reticuloendothelial cells [7,8]. To further clarify a role for ABCA1 in stimulated platelet PS movement, we looked for evidence of ABCA1 deficiency in platelets from Scott syndrome German shepherd dogs (GSD) [9] and performed linkage analyses to test for association of the canine Scott platelet phenotype with genetic markers within and flanking the ABCA1 locus. Canine Scott platelets display the hallmarks of their human counterpart e.g. normal aggregation, but a failure to generate prothrombinase activity and a lack of PS externalization and microparticle release in response to physiologic (thrombin plus collagen) or pharmacologic (ionophore) agonists [10]. The presence of ABCA1 protein in Scott GSD platelets was confirmed in Western blots of platelet lysates [11] (Fig. 1A) probed with an affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibody [ABCA1 antibody (ab14146), Abcam] that recognizes a peptide sequence of human ABCA1 with 100% homology to dog, mouse, and rat ABCA1. The free cholesterol content of Scott (n = 5) and control dog (n = 8) platelets were similar, with mean values of 14.3 μg cholesterol per 108 platelets and 12.2 μg cholesterol per 108 platelets, respectively. As Tangier platelets demonstrate impaired collagen-induced aggregation [12], we compared the aggregation of Scott and control dog platelets post-stimulation with collagen (12 μg per mL) and throughout a dosage range of the GPVI ligand, convulxin [CVX (0–30 nM)]. We found no significant difference (P = 0.13) in mean maximal collagen-induced aggregation of Scott GSD platelet-rich plasma (n = 5; 75% aggregation) vs. control dogs (n = 8; 80% aggregation), and the CVX response of Scott and control dog platelets was essentially the same (Fig. 1B). Additional manifestations of platelet dysfunction in Tangier patients include decreased reactivity to low dose thrombin and defective granule formation and release [7,12,13]. We therefore evaluated Scott GSD platelets in flow cytometry experiments to assess various granule-dependent responses. We found no significant differences (P > 0.1) between Scott GSD (n = 5) and control dogs (n = 8) in mean percentages of CD62P positive platelets (denoting P-selectin expression) post-thrombin (0.5 U per mL) stimulation (Scott GSD = 70.3%; control = 62.5%) or CVX (10 nM) stimulation (Scott GSD = 53%; control = 48.8%), mean mepacrine uptake (denoting dense granule content [14]) (Scott GSD = 68.8% positive; control = 75%) and mean CD61 positive leukocytes (denoting platelet-leukocyte aggregate formation [15]) post-thrombin (2 U per mL) stimulation (Scott GSD = 12.2%; control = 10.2%). In contrast, the mean percentage Annexin V positive platelets (denoting PS externalization) in response to combined simulation with thrombin (0.5 U per mL) plus CVX (10 nM) was significantly reduced (P < 0.0001) for Scott platelets (Scott GSD = 5.6%; control = 41%). Although species differences in platelet physiology limit direct comparisons, the pattern of activation response for Scott GSD differs from human and murine Tangier platelets, indicating that the ABCA1 protein within Scott GSD platelets is functional. Fig. 1 Platelet expression of ABCA1, aggregation response to convulxin stimulation, and ABCA1 linkage analyses in Scott German shepherd dogs (GSD). (A) Western blot analyses of ABCA1 in platelet lysates. Platelet proteins were solubilized in Laemelli buffer, ... Phenotyping of the study pedigree (Fig. 1C) for linkage analyses was based on residual serum prothrombin [9,16]. Abnormal platelet function of affected GSD (n = 22) in this screening test was confirmed by flow cytometric findings of diminished PS externalization and microvesiculation post-calcium ionophore. The GSD were genotyped for an intragenic canine ABCA1 (Gene ID: 481651) microsatellite and 10 additional markers [17] spanning CFA11 (chromosomal location of canine ABCA1) at 5–10 cM intervals. The power of these analyses to identify a disease gene was assessed by simulating 40 000 replicate data sets using the SLINK function of LINKAGE[18]; conditional on the observed pedigree, autosomal recessive inheritance, and variation of recombination rate between marker and disease locus (θ) along a gradient from 0 to 0.1. These simulations predicted approximately 80% power to identify a disease locus at cutoff LOD = 2, for markers within θ = 0.05 from the disease locus. We found that two point and multipoint linkage analyses, calculated using SUPERLINK v. 1.6 (, failed to demonstrate an association between canine Scott syndrome and the ABCA1 locus [LOD