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1. On the paper 'On an identity for the zeros of Bessel functions' by Baricz et al

2. Bifurcation analysis of the rock–paper–scissors game with discrete-time logit dynamics

3. Comment on the paper 'On conservation laws by Lie symmetry analysis for (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko equation in wave propagation' by S. Saha Ray

4. An unpublished paper ‘Über einige durch unendliche Reihen definirte Functionen eines complexen Argumentes’ by Adolf Hurwitz

5. Multiple limit cycles for the continuous model of the rock–scissors–paper game between bacteriocin producing bacteria

6. Refined exponential stability analysis of a coupled system * *The paper was partially supported by the ANR projects LimICoS and SCIDIS. Corresponding author. Fax +33-561336411

7. Recurrent critical points and typical limit sets for conformal measures☆☆Portions of the paper were presented at the AMS Special Session on Low-Dimensional Dynamics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 1997

8. Remarks on a Paper by Giordano, Laforgia, and Pečarić

9. Blowup for the solutions of the Euler–Poisson equations with damping

10. Robust methods for stabilization of Hamiltonian systems in economic growth models

11. Characteristic features of error in high-order difference calculation of 1D Poisson equation and unlimited high-accurate calculation under multi-precision calculation

12. Phase portraits of separable quadratic systems and a bibliographical survey on quadratic systems

13. A parity theorem about trees with specified degrees

14. A picture of the ODE's flow in the torus: From everywhere or almost-everywhere asymptotics to homogenization of transport equations

15. A mountain pass algorithm for quasilinear boundary value problem with p-Laplacian

16. Sixth order compact finite difference schemes for Poisson interface problems with singular sources

17. Accurate analytical approximation to post-buckling of column with Ramberg−Osgood constitutive law

18. On the singular value decomposition over finite fields and orbits of GU×GU

19. Singular limits of the Cauchy problem to the two-layer rotating shallow water equations

20. Relation between a relaxation time and the friction coefficient used in the theory of damped motion

21. Theoretical aspects of equitable partition of networks into sparse modules

22. A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory

23. Polar differentiation matrices for the Laplace equation in the disk under nonhomogeneous Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and the biharmonic equation under nonhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions

24. Stochastic H2/H∞ control for discrete-time mean-field systems with Poisson jump

25. On well-posedness for the inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the critical case

26. Nonlinear finite elements: Sub- and supersolutions for the heterogeneous logistic equation

27. Stability of smooth solutions for the compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping and one-side physical vacuum

28. Mapped spectral collocation methods for Volterra integral equations with noncompact kernels

29. On scattering for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on waveguide Rm×T (when m = 2,3)

30. Maximum principles and monotonicity of solutions for fractional p-equations in unbounded domains

31. On 2D steady Euler flows with small vorticity near the boundary

32. Predicting building wall temperature in composite climate using regression models: A comparative study

33. Linear operators, the Hurwitz zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions

34. The stability study of numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with emphasis on its application in boundary elements method

35. Global solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson and Euler-Poisson equations of plasma on exterior domains

36. Sharp bounds for the resolvent of linearized Navier Stokes equations in the half space around a shear profile

37. Parity considerations in Rogers–Ramanujan–Gordon type overpartitions

38. On some identities in law involving exponential functionals of Brownian motion and Cauchy random variable

39. Novel exact solutions of the fractional Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko equation involving the Atangana-Baleanu-Riemann derivative

40. Population balance approach to model Ostwald ripening of silica using Gram – Charlier series expansion based closure

41. On a sum involving the Euler function

42. Deviance information criterion for latent variable models and misspecified models

43. Faster Graph bipartization

44. A note on a stochastic Holling-II predator–prey model with a prey refuge

45. Null controllability of semi-linear fourth order parabolic equations

46. On Riemann solutions under different initial periodic perturbations at two infinities for 1-d scalar convex conservation laws

47. New gradient estimates for solutions to quasilinear divergence form elliptic equations with general Dirichlet boundary data

48. Local regressions for decomposing CO2 and CH4 time-series in a semi-arid ecosystem

49. The analysis of NSG system for existence of Si’lnikov chaos

50. The modified method of fundamental solutions for exterior problems of the Helmholtz equation; spurious eigenvalues and their removals