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351. Operational matrix for Atangana–Baleanu derivative based on Genocchi polynomials for solving FDEs

352. A stable ∞-category of Lagrangian cobordisms

353. New approach for the model describing the deathly disease in pregnant women using Mittag-Leffler function

354. The Fourier extension method and discrete orthogonal polynomials on an arc of the circle

355. Hypergraph Lagrangians I: The Frankl-Füredi conjecture is false

356. ε-superposition and truncation dimensions in average and probabilistic settings for ∞-variate linear problems

357. On some extended Routh–Hurwitz conditions for fractional-order autonomous systems of order α ∈ (0, 2) and their applications to some population dynamic models

358. Dynamics of a tourism sustainability model with distributed delay

359. Global stability analysis of a two-strain epidemic model with non-monotone incidence rates

360. A continuous function with universal Fourier series on a given closed set of Lebesgue measure zero

361. Linear inviscid damping and enhanced dissipation for the Kolmogorov flow

362. The Vlasov-Poisson-Landau system near a local Maxwellian

363. Stability and Lyapunov functions for systems with Atangana–Baleanu Caputo derivative: An HIV/AIDS epidemic model

364. Dynamics of fractional-order delay differential model for tumor-immune system

365. Optimal controllability of non-instantaneous impulsive partial stochastic differential systems with fractional sectorial operators

366. An optimization method based on the generalized Lucas polynomials for variable-order space-time fractional mobile-immobile advection-dispersion equation involving derivatives with non-singular kernels

367. Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of an SVEIR epidemic model with vaccination and multiple time delays

368. Analysis of a dynamics duopoly game with two content providers

369. Estimating the approximate analytical solution of HIV viral dynamic model by using homotopy analysis method

370. On some classical type Sobolev orthogonal polynomials

371. Global stability of discrete pathogen infection model with humoral immunity and cell-to-cell transmission

372. Impact of B-cell impairment on virus dynamics with time delay and two modes of transmission

373. Chebyshev cardinal functions for a new class of nonlinear optimal control problems generated by Atangana–Baleanu–Caputo variable-order fractional derivative

374. A complex valued approach to the solutions of Riemann-Liouville integral, Atangana-Baleanu integral operator and non-linear Telegraph equation via fixed point method

375. Volume-preserving mappings between Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type

376. Quasi wavelet numerical approach of non-linear reaction diffusion and integro reaction-diffusion equation with Atangana–Baleanu time fractional derivative

377. EC-(s,t)-weak tractability of multivariate linear problems in the average case setting

378. An extension of the Euler-Maclaurin quadrature formula using a parametric type of Bernoulli polynomials

379. An extension of Minkowski's theorem and its applications to questions about projections for measures

380. Lyapunov exponents and rigidity of Anosov automorphisms and skew products

381. Derived ℓ-adic zeta functions

382. On the removal of weak compactness arguments in proof mining

383. Self-similar subsets of the Cantor set

384. A note on the stability and boundedness of solutions to non-linear differential systems of second order

385. Wavelet decomposition techniques and Hardy inequalities for function spaces on cubes

386. Estimates for Schatten–von Neumann norms of Hardy–Steklov operators

387. Polynomiality of monotone Hurwitz numbers in higher genera

388. Stability of eϵ-Lipschitz and co-Lipschitz maps in Gromov–Hausdorff topology

389. Minimal spaces with a mathematical structure

390. Density of Generalized Verhulst Process and Bessel Process with Constant Drift

391. Radiative transport limit for the random Schrödinger equation with long-range correlations

392. Attouch–Théra duality revisited: Paramonotonicity and operator splitting

393. Homogenization for a class of integral functionals in spaces of probability measures

394. Global exact controllability in infinite time of Schrödinger equation

395. Sampling in reproducing kernel Banach spaces on Lie groups

396. Approximate solutions for solving the Klein–Gordon and sine-Gordon equations

397. k-full integers between successive k-th powers

398. Pointwise tube formulas for fractal sprays and self-similar tilings with arbitrary generators

399. Jacobi structures of evolutionary partial differential equations

400. Isomonodromic deformations and twisted Yangians arising in Teichmüller theory