
Showing total 1,192 results
1,192 results

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201. Weierstrass type approximation by weighted polynomials in Rd

202. Some generalizations of Ahlfors Lemma

203. On nef subvarieties

204. Exact boundary controllability of nodal profile for Saint-Venant system on a network with loops

205. Dirichlet boundary values on Euclidean balls with infinitely many solutions for the minimal surface system

206. Fourier–Dunkl system of the second kind and Euler–Dunkl polynomials

207. Measurable versions of the Lovász Local Lemma and measurable graph colorings

208. New sine ellipsoids and related volume inequalities

209. Hecke-Hopf algebras

210. On the topological structure of a Hahn field and convergence of power series

211. Rotations of convex harmonic univalent mappings

212. A functional analytic approach to Cesàro means

213. On the strong restricted isometry property of Bernoulli random matrices

214. Cellular homology of real flag manifolds

215. Formality and Kontsevich–Duflo type theorems for Lie pairs

216. Hilbert isometries and maximal deviation preserving maps on JB-algebras

217. Coincidences between homological densities, predicted by arithmetic

218. On projective varieties with strictly nef tangent bundles

219. The ideal structure of Steinberg algebras

220. The space of bounded analytic functions and weighted Bergman spaces

221. The geometry of generalized Lamé equation, I

222. A coarse relative-partitioned index theorem

223. On categories of equivariant D-modules

224. The scattering problem for Hamiltonian ABCD Boussinesq systems in the energy space

225. Conformal limits and the Białynicki-Birula stratification of the space of λ-connections

226. Hochschild-Witt complex

227. Modular cocycles and cup product

228. Frame decomposition and radial maximal semigroup characterization of Hardy spaces associated to operators

229. Maximal m-subharmonic functions and the Cegrell class Nm

230. Radial processes on RCD⁎(K,N) spaces

231. Pseudo Frobenius numbers

232. Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations

233. Some Hecke-Rogers type identities

234. Observable set, observability, interpolation inequality and spectral inequality for the heat equation in Rn

235. Duality in Non-Abelian Algebra IV. Duality for groups and a universal isomorphism theorem

236. On the Bures–Wasserstein distance between positive definite matrices

237. Quantitative bounds for concentration-of-measure inequalities and empirical regression: The independent case

238. Critical measures for vector energy: Asymptotics of non-diagonal multiple orthogonal polynomials for a cubic weight

239. Local and global error estimates for Berrut’s rational interpolant at well-spaced nodes

240. The scope of Feferman’s semi-intuitionistic set theories and his second conjecture

241. On differentiability in the Wasserstein space and well-posedness for Hamilton–Jacobi equations

242. Generic representations for symmetric spaces

243. Non-universality of the Riemann zeta function and its derivatives when σ≥1

244. Free choice sequences: A temporal interpretation compatible with acceptance of classical mathematics

245. Gradient weighted estimates at the natural exponent for quasilinear parabolic equations

246. Iterated integrals on P1∖{0,1,∞,z} and a class of relations among multiple zeta values

247. A semantic hierarchy for intuitionistic logic

248. Measure complexity and Möbius disjointness

249. The primitive equations as the small aspect ratio limit of the Navier–Stokes equations: Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation

250. A surface in W2, is a locally Lipschitz-continuous function of its fundamental forms in W1, and L, p > 2