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86 results

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1. The German Federal Courts Dataset 195002018: From Paper Archives to Linked Open Data

2. Submission to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER), Government Reform Unit Open Data Licences Consultation Paper

3. Working Paper Big Data Series: Critical Analysis of the Irish Big Data Skills Report

4. Regional Inequality in Dental Care Utilization in Japan: An Ecological Study Using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims

5. Using Open Data to Monitor the Status of a Metropolitan Area: The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Turin

6. Empirical evaluation of Linked Data visualization tools

7. MapX: An open geospatial platform to manage, analyze and visualize data on natural resources and the environment

8. A reference open data vertical axis wind turbine, with individual pitch control, for code validation purposes

9. DataCite as a novel bibliometric source: Coverage, strengths and limitations

10. The Right Tools for the Job: The Case for Spatial Science Tool-Building

11. The role of open data in evidencing and limiting political interference in public input distribution in Guatemala

12. Balancing the needs of consumers and producers for scientific data collections

13. Proposal for an Open Data Model Schema for Precinct-scale Information Management

14. Research Data in Current Research Information Systems

15. Using a CRIS to Support Communication of Research: Mapping the Publication Cycle to Deposit Workflows for Data and Publications

16. The use of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)-mediated data in publications written in Chinese

17. Too complicated and impractical? An exploratory study on the role of energy system models in municipal decision-making processes in Denmark

18. Mo.Re.Farming: A hybrid architecture for tactical and strategic precision agriculture

19. Towards European Open Science Commons: The EGI Open Data Platform and the EGI DataHub

20. EUREGIO: The Construction of a Global IO Database With Regional Detail for Europe for 2000–2010

21. On Modeling Linked Open Statistical Data

22. Abstracting Anonymization Techniques: A Prerequisite for Selecting a Generalization Algorithm

23. Domain Ontologies Integration for Virtual Modelling and Simulation Environments

24. Police investigations in Internet open sources: Procedural-law issues

25. Public Transit Data Through an Intellectual Property Lens: Lessons About Open Data

26. The Meaning of Failed Replications: A Review and Proposal

27. Evaluating rail transit's comparative advantages in travel cost and time over taxi with open data in two U.S. cities

28. Identification for Development: The Biometrics Revolution

29. Compartir los recursos útiles para la investigación: datos abiertos (open data)

30. Agent-based simulation from anonymized data: An application to Lille metropolis

31. Forecasting the spatial and temporal charging demand of fully electrified urban private car transportation based on large-scale traffic simulation

32. Developing the Quality Model for Collaborative Open Data

33. Adaptable emergency shelter: A case study in generative design and additive manufacturing in mass customization era

34. Mapping heterogeneous research infrastructure metadata into a unified catalogue for use in a generic virtual research environment

35. A cloud detection algorithm for satellite imagery based on deep learning

36. Towards an automated method to assess data portals in the deep web

37. Squeal analysis based on the laboratory experimental bench 'Friction-Induced Vibration and noisE at École Centrale de Lyon' (FIVE@ECL)

38. A data integration platform for patient-centered e-healthcare and clinical decision support

39. Modelling food sourcing decisions under climate change: A data-driven approach

40. Analysis of Motivation and Perceived Risk Factors in Open Data Measurement: A Conceptual Model

41. Privacy-preserving governmental data publishing: A fog-computing-based differential privacy approach

42. The MATSim Open Berlin Scenario: A multimodal agent-based transport simulation scenario based on synthetic demand modeling and open data

43. ECHR-OD: On building an integrated open repository of legal documents for machine learning applications

44. Authenticity and credibility aware detection of adverse drug events from social media

45. Ontology-driven data integration and visualization for exploring regional geologic time and paleontological information

46. Open science in sport and exercise psychology: Review of current approaches and considerations for qualitative inquiry

47. Open data innovation: Visualizations and process redesign as a way to bridge the transparency-accountability gap

48. A critical review of text-based research in construction: Data source, analysis method, and implications

49. On researcher bias in Software Engineering experiments

50. Using generative adversarial networks to evaluate robustness of reinforcement learning agents against uncertainties