
Showing total 19 results
19 results

Search Results

1. What is the impact of job precariousness on depression? Risk assessment and attributable fraction in Spain.

2. The relationship between overweight and education revisited: a test of the selection hypothesis based on adolescents' educational aspirations.

3. The impact of adult children living at home on the well-being of Spanish parents: Evidence from panel data.

4. Health-related effects of welfare-to-work policies.

5. Animals used for medicinal and magico-religious purposes in western Granada Province, Andalusia (Spain)

6. Long-distance trips in a sparsely populated region: The impact of high-speed infrastructures

7. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the Riverside of Navarra (Iberian Peninsula)

8. Analysis of Spanish nursing students' knowledge in palliative care. An online survey in five colleges.

9. Discrimination and self-reported health for the Spanish Roma.

10. Beach nourishment effects on sand porosity variability.

11. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants used in Eastern Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea)

12. Knowledge of ethnoveterinary medicine in the Province of Granada, Andalusia, Spain

13. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the Middle Navarra (Iberian Peninsula)

14. Experts’ attitudes towards CCS technologies in Spain.

15. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in Northern Navarra (Iberian Peninsula)

16. Sustainable transport challenges in a suburban university: The case of the Autonomous University of Barcelona

17. Empirical analysis of solid management waste costs: Some evidence from Galicia, Spain.

18. Consumers’ preferences for Iberian dry-cured ham and the influence of mast feeding: An application of conjoint analysis in Spain

19. English for research purposes at the University of Santiago de Compostela: a survey