This paper summarizes the pioneering work leading to the development of scientific studies of the physics of shock-compressed matter at Los Alamos and culminating in the publication of the article “Compression of Solids by Strong Shock Waves,” by M. H. Rice, R. G. McQueen, and J. M. Walsh, Solid State Physics, Vol. VI, 1958. The work had its beginning during World War II when it became clear that development of a plutonium weapon would probably require the use of high explosives. It was immediately obvious to the staff that an entirely new level of sophistication in explosives technology would be required and that the equations of state of metals must be thoroughly understood. Following a suggestion by C. Critchfield, R. W. Goranson started a program to obtain equation-of-state data from shock-wave experiments. This program, begun late in 1944 and made possible only by the current and subsequent developments in explosive fabrication technology and electronic instrumentation, was continued after the war by Goranson and his successors. Nevertheless, the program remained relatively fallow until about 1950 when an influx of enthusiastic young staff were able to take advantage of a maturity of technical facilities. Centrally important to the new thrust were, (1) an optical diagnostics group which had developed a thorough familiarity with the technique in studies of shocked gases, (2) a charter to “work in various aspects of hydrodynamics in unusual areas,” and (3) the overall supervision which, in consonance with general Laboratory policy, looked favorably on research without restriction. In the summer of 1952, J. M. Walsh with M. H. Rice and C. M. Fowler, developed the flash-gap technique that made possible rapid and ultimately essential mass production of shot assemblies. Their recognition of the potential of impedance-matching techniques enabled them to begin a highly efficient major experimental program. The investigations of R. G. Shreffler and W. E. Deal on explosively driven plates prompted the group, strengthened by R. G. McQueen and S. P. Marsh, to expand the work into the megabar region over the next few years. Meanwhile, a discrepancy between flash-gap data and older pin data prompted D. Bancroft, E. Peterson, and F. S. Minshall to investigate iron in detail and discover the 130-kbar phase transition. Also at that time, relaxed security restrictions made publication possible. Prominent in the early work was the involvement of D. S. Hughes from the University of Texas and the reinvention of the dc capacitor by M. H. Rice. This capacitor permitted improved velocity resolution over that of pins and required less assembly time.